The 2nd Company of the Imperial Fists join forces with Brother-Captain Arvann Stern and his Grey Knights Brotherhood to scour the planet of the daemonic taint.Relief of Rynn's World (990.M41) - The Imperial Fists, alongside elements from half a dozen other Space Marine Chapters, arrive ...
This saw the Black Templars, Fists Exemplar, Crimson Fists, Iron Knights, and Excoriators all rendezvoused at Phall.[43] The Fists and their successors would take the lead in the campaign, saving Terra from an Attack Moon, recovering the Primarch Vulkan, attacking the Beast's capital of ...
971.M41- The Fall of Malodrax. Most of the Imperial Fists, led by the Phalanx itself, battles Warsmith Shon'tu at Malodrax. 975.M41: The Ghallamore Cleansin. 2nd Company and Grey Knights under the command of Brother-Captain Arvann Stern cleanse Ghallamore of Skulltaker and his daemonic...
971.M41- The Fall of Malodrax. Most of the Imperial Fists, led by the Phalanx itself, battles Warsmith Shon'tu at Malodrax. 975.M41: The Ghallamore Cleansin. 2nd Company and Grey Knights under the command of Brother-Captain Arvann Stern cleanse Ghallamore of Skulltaker and his daemonic...