Who defeated Imperial Japan? Who did Imperial Japan control? Who ran the Empire of Japan? Who was the Emperor of Japan in 1941? Who was the Japanese leader in WW2? Who led the Japanese invasion of Manchuria? Who was Emperor of Japan during WWI? Who unified the Empire of Japan? Who was...
How powerful was Imperial Japan? How tyrannical was Imperial Japan? What was the Empire of Japan called? Who was the Japanese leader in WW2? What is a Japanese war fan? Who was the Emperor of Japan in 1600? What was new role of the emperor in postwar Japan?
8/27 If WW2 was a comicbook by Juste (HOI2) 9/6 Nihon Kaizo Hoan Taiko! (A Plan for the Re-organization of Japan) by Jon Young (HOI2) 9/11 The Legacy of Durham - County of Durham, 1066 by Revan86 (CK) 9/17 Here to Stay -- An Ottoman AAR by Wannabe Tatar (Vic) 9/...