Elected in March each year, your Officer Trustees are Imperial students who represent the student voice and lead ICU, making sure you have the best possible experience throughout your time at Imperial! Meet your trustees Camille Union President ...
帝国理工有着一个非常大的Student Union,基本上你想得到的社团都是有的,各种民族的学生会,各种宗教,...
从伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)毕业5年有余,现在回首起来,那短短一年小硕的求学经历,...
The main campus is situated in South Kensington, an area in Central London that is home to other cultural and educational institutions, such as the Natural History Museum. Upward of 15,000 students attend Imperial, and tuition costs are higher for non-European Union students. Housing is ...
imperial college中文名: 帝国理工学院 外文名: Imperial College London 简称: 帝国理工,IC或ICL 校训: Scientia imperii decus et tutamen(科学是帝国的光彩 和守护者) 创办时间: 1907 所属地区: 英国伦敦 主要院系: 工程院,生命科学院,医学院等 • The main campus in Kensington is a cultural hub for ...
and one advantage of its Bloomsbury location is that it’s based in the middle of a huge student community. The main campus backs out onto a courtyard shared bySOASandBirkbeck College, and the adjacent University of London Union is a hub of activity, from societies and student politics ...
Some students are also selected to live in International Students House, London. Imperial College Union Main article: Imperial College Union The students' union is run by five full-time sabbatical officers which are elected from the student body for a tenure of one year, as well as many perman...
societies: sport, social, recreational, arts and entertainment, academic, overseas Events at the Imperial College Union - Summer Ball - Bands, club nights, performances, quiz evenings Union Facilities: Bars, shop, club activities Student advisor, student union representatives, chaplaincy What can you...
Imperial Plexus also provides information about exclusive alumni benefits and services, such as use of the Alumni Visitor Centre at South Kensington, access to online library resources and an alumni email account. The Imperial Plexus app can be used for entry at Imperial Student Union venues, such...
帝国理工学院(Imperial College London,简称"IC")于1907年建立于英国伦敦,由维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特亲王于1845年建立的皇家科学院和大英帝国研究院、皇家矿业学院、伦敦城市与行会学院合并组成,曾是伦敦大学成员之一。 是一所主攻理学、工学、医学和商学的研究型大学,全称为帝国科学、技术与医学学院,帝国理工学院以工程专业...