转专业到Computer Science, 也算是半路出家转CS,大学四年总成绩专业排名第一,GPA 3.98/4.00 。
美国直接放弃EE专业(考虑到亲眼所见的悲惨就业行情),全部申请的计算机有关专业(Computer science, Software Engineering, Data Science),英国一共申请了四所学校:Oxford(CS),Cambridge (CS), UCL (Business Analytics), IC (Business Analytics), 美国基本上Stanford,Yale, MIT,CMU,etc都海申了一遍。 事实证明CS申请...
This is a generic LaTeX template for dissertations (layout according to Imperial College London). linux latex thesis makefile latex-template dissertation tikz pgfplots phd-thesis imperial-college tikz-figures master-thesis-template phd-thesis-template bachelor-thesis-template imperial-college-london dissert...
This is a generic LaTeX template for dissertations (layout according to Imperial College London). linux latex thesis makefile latex-template dissertation tikz pgfplots phd-thesis imperial-college tikz-figures master-thesis-template phd-thesis-template bachelor-thesis-template imperial-college-london dissert...
Bachelor Master MBA PHD Imperial offers three-year Bachelor's or four-year integrated Master's courses in engineering and natural sciences as well as degrees within the School of Medicine and the Imperial College Business School. Undergraduates can take advantage of ... Read More Business and Ma...
Bachelor Master MBA PHD Imperial offers three-year Bachelor's or four-year integrated Master's courses in engineering and natural sciences as well as degrees within the School of Medicine and the Imperial College Business School. Undergraduates can take advantage of ... Read More Business and Ma...
If you are a high performing undergraduate or Master's student and have a strong desire to undertake a PhD programme at a world- class research institution, you could be selected to receive full tuition fees and a generous stipend for a PhD place at Imperial College London. Eligibility: ...
Peter Hedley, 27, from the UK, completed a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering at University of Bath in 2017, before going on to a Master’s degree in Computer Science at Imperial College London. During his civil engineering studies, he worked as a design engineer for A...
Hello, I've recently been admitted to the MSc QFFF program at Imperial College London for the 2019-2020 year and am seeking advice regarding possible career paths/was wondering if anyone is in a similar situation. My end goal is to do a PhD in the United States since (for non-academic...
“This blog is dedicated to Open Access and related scholarly communication and digital scholarship activities at Imperial College London. It is managed by members of the Open Access project, a cross-departmental initiative that supports the transition to open access publishing at Imperial College. We...