【offer展示】Imperial College London(IC)MSc Finance & Accounting 帝国理工学院金融会计硕士 【学校介绍】IC,全称:Imperial College London,帝国理工学院,英国G5顶尖名校,三重认证的商学院之一,地处伦敦,QS世界排名# 8. 【专业介绍】MSc Finance & Accounting is a one-year, full-time programme accredited by b...
我本科毕业于布里斯托大学,读的是Accounting and Finance,大三参与了一年的法国交换项目,用法语学习了经...
帝国理工 Imperial College London (IC)MSc Finance and Accounting 金融与会计硕士专业介绍: 查询网址:https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/pg/business-school/finance-accounting/ 专业解读:IC MSc Finance and Accounting 要求学生掌握 basic knowledge of finance,了解金融与会计行业中的实践方法,包括企业财务战略、项...
"Accounting for Impact at Imperial College London. A report on the activities and outputs by Imperial academics relevant for economic and social impact" Technical report, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College Business School, UK...
帝国理工学院(Imperial College London),是一所主攻理学、工学、医学和商学的研究型大学,全称为帝国科学、技术与医学学院(Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine)。帝国理工学院是具有创新力的大学之一,尤其以工程专业而著名。 帝国理工学院是金三角名校、罗素大学集团、欧洲研究型大学联盟、国际科技大学联盟...
Imperial College London 学校官网 帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)成立于1907年,位于英国伦敦市。作为世界顶尖的理工科大学之一,帝国理工学院在工程学、医学、自然科学和商学领域享有国际声誉。学校提供广泛的本科和研究生课程,注重学术研究和创新实践。校园位于伦敦市中心,设施现代化,学术资源丰富。
从上海财经大学到英国帝国理工学院 学生信息 姓名:L同学 本科院校:上海财经大学 专业:金融学 GPA:3.7/4.0 GMAT: 710 录取结果 ImperialCollege London MSc Finance and Accounting 英国帝国理工学院金融会计硕士 OFFER展示 传兮留学商科申请服务...
Imperial College London is consistently ranked among the top 10 universities in the world. Programme rankings The strength of our teaching is reflected by our high position in rankings. In the past 10 years, Imperial College London has consistently ranked in the top five in Europe: ...
Imperial College London Arts and Humanities =10 =193 Engineering and Technology =35 7 Life Sciences and Medicine 9 7 Natural Sciences =35 9 Social Sciences and Management =19 48 Accounting and Finance 45 =20 Agriculture and Forestry --
Welcome! I am a Finance PhD candidate atImperial College Londonand am on the academic job market during the 2024-2025 academic year. My research focuses onFinancial IntermediationandFinTech, with an emphasis on their economic impact on firms, entrepreneurs, households, and financial institutions. Th...