Imperial College London is a world-leading university for science, technology, engineering, medicine and business (STEMB). Across our London campuses, and throughout our international network, we use science to tackle global challenges.
Follow the'Log in to your account'link on the right. If you have not created an account with us, follow these instructions: Click 'Fill in an application'(even if you already volunteered at Graduation or another College event) Then create a profile (left-hand option) or if you've volunt...
Imperial College London is a leading research institution based in the UK, and the only university in the country to focus exclusively on science, medicine, engineering and business. According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, it’s the tenth best university in the world and...
The Wiki is part of the wider Imperial Wiki Initiative, supported by Department of Chemical Engineering and StudentShapers at Imperial College.As these are student created notes there will be mistakes! We have tried to be as accurate as possible, but please correct any formatting or content ...
National University of Singapore (NUS) and Imperial College London have announced a new partnership to strengthen research collaborations. The three-year partnership will see the two universities explore cooperation in early-stage research and ideas that might not otherw...
Imperial College School of Medicine Surgical Society Annual International Trauma ConferenceYu Jeat ChongLogeswaran, AbisonChin Taw CheongLogeswaran, ThuwaragaBritish Journal of Hospital Medicine (17508460)
A student will be invited by email to apply for accommodation in a College hall of residence. The accommodation will be guaranteed for the full academic year if students submit the online accommodation application form by Imperial’s deadline and have met in full any conditions of entry (e.g...
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Imperial College London is a world-leading university for science, technology, engineering, medicine and business (STEMB). Across our London campuses, and throughout our international network, we use science to tackle global challenges.
Imperial College London is a world-leading university for science, technology, engineering, medicine and business (STEMB). Across our London campuses, and throughout our international network, we use science to tackle global challenges.