www.qstheory.cn|基于16个网页 3. 帝国时代 海外的学术界并不用“封建”的概念来讲述中国秦到清的历史,而代之以帝国时代(imperial China)。但这个词过于富有现代色 … zhidao.baidu.com|基于8个网页 更多释义 例句
今日中国jīn rì zhōng guó China Today 钦差大臣qīn chà dà chén imperial envoy; imperial commissioner; the government inspector 妃子fēi zǐ imperial concubine 宫阙gōng què imperial palace 皇城huáng chéng imperial city 皇冠huáng guàn imperial crown 皇权huáng quán imperial power 科举kē jǔ ...
日本过去在战前和战后,为了挣取外汇和拯救战败引起的经济破产,都曾经为欧美公司代为加工、制造过各种民生用品和瓷器。以上是日本早期40年代生产的日本陶瓷品牌帝国瓷器Imperial China(现藏于绿宝石艺术陶瓷馆)此图所示餐具由欧美设计家W.道尔顿设计的,图案为塞维利亚花形(Seville pattern)的产品,属于日本50-60年代为...
1)imperial China中华帝国 1.The imperial civil examinations marked one of the most traveled crossroads between pre-modern politics,society,economy,and intellectual life in imperial China.然而,在中华帝国后期(明清两代),科举制度经历了曲折的兴衰演变,其功能也发生了很大的变化,这从政治、社会、教育以及文风等...
post- 作为一个前缀是“后”的意思。post-imperial China,是“后帝国时代的中国”,指从中华民国起的时代。如果单说民国时代,一般是说Republican China。the imperial palace词典故宫网络皇宫; 御茶膳房; 东京皇居形近词:the Imperial Palace数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1The Palace Museum was...
Imperial China [] 更多介绍 [] 播放全选 01All That Is Solid 02Mortal Wombat 03Bananamite 04A Modern Life 05Corrupting the Integrity of the Grid 06Invincible 07Go Where Airplanes Go 08The Last Starfighter 09Letter of a General 10Foreign Occupation...
For more than 2,000 years, from 221 BC until AD 1912, China was ruled by emperors. In that time, the capital city and the imperial dynasty (ruling family) changed. There were periods of unrest and of invasion by fierce tribes, including the Mongols, but the same system of government co...
48、Forbidden City:Chinese imperial palace是绝佳英语口语听力素材!《你好,中国》hello china 100集 中英双语的第48集视频,该合集共计99集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Imperial China 900-1800 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 F. W. Mote was Professor of Chinese History and Civilization, Emeritus, at Princeton University, author of Intellectual Foundations of China, and coeditor of several volumes of The Cambridge History of China. Imperial China 900-1800 ...
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