Rules of Conjugation French imperfect conjugations are often easier than other tenses, as the imperfect of virtually all verbs—regular andirregular—is formed the same way: dropping the-onsending from the present indicativenousform of the verb and adding the imperfect endings. Être("to be") i...
This lesson is an overview of howFrench and English verbforms match up, and we illustrate points with examples: thejeform ofprendre(to take) and thevousform ofaller(to go). Make sure you knowhow regular verbs are fully conjugatedin the simple and compound tenses and how the irregular verbs...
In French, the imperfect tense is used to describe an incomplete or ongoing action or state of being.
(Grammar) The aspect of a verb that expresses action completed prior to a fixed point of reference in time. Imperfect Not perfect; not complete in all its parts; wanting a part; deective; deficient. Something he left imperfect in the state. Why, then, your other senses grow imperfect. Pe...