If, however, policy reforms affect the nature of competition, then the productivity changes associated with trade reform may be mismeasured. Using a panel of manufacturing firms in the Cote d'Ivoire, this paper measures changing profit margins and productivity following a 1985 trade reform. The ...
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On December 14, 2012 the ECOWAS Court of Justice found the Nigerian government in violation of the right to a general satisfactory environment under Art. 24 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights ("SERAP case"). This judgment has been rightly hailed as a crucial precedent in th...
These qualities make the bintec RXL series perfectly suited for use as a central site VPN gateway 提供顾客以范围的强有力,适合为目的企业与使能全面IPSec VPN实施的灵活的VPN门户配对的软件特点。 这些质量做于用途完全适合的bintec RXL系列作为一个中心位置VPN门户 [translate] aThe imperfect customer credit ...
Articles in this series Yes, I’m stressed X-rays and other scans Weddings Vin is the man Today’s post brought to you by the letter T Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma Reading Thoughts on quitting And for the letter P… N is for nasty and nerves ...
Our first main result (Theorem 1) is that if each seller bids for a single edge, there is at least one bidder for each edge, and true costs are metric, the buyerʼs surcharge essentially cannot exceed 100% of the true minimal cost. However our second main result (Theorem 2) says th...
Productivity of vegetation in arid zones of Asia (Synthesis of Soviet studies for the International Biological Program, 1965-1974). This book summarizes in a series of reports the results of field investigations in 1965-74 in key arid regions of Soviet Asia and outer Mongolia carried ou... LE...
The least expected thing to see in the middle of the desert would probably be a work of... Design Llamas' Valley| May 18, 2023 Unique furniture from concrete Designer Fernando Mastrangelo, who works and lives in Brooklyn, New York (USA) created an exceptional series of modern... ...
(and the necessary data acquisition facility), suitable for carrying out test series on this issue, aswell as numerical models implemented on the MARC FEM code, were set up.Findings: The experiments were conducted on test specimens of the same material (AISI 316) tube withand without ...
1. Introduction A common technique in the formal analysis computer systems is to model a system as a game in which two players—sometimes called “System” and “Environment” or “Player” and “Opponent”—interact with each other, possibly over infinitely many rounds. In these games, it is...