Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
past progressive,past progressive tense- a progressive tense used to describe on-going action in the past; "`I had been running' is an example of the past progressive" future progressive,future progressive tense- a progressive tense used to express action that will be on-going in the future;...
nounIngrammar, an imperfect tense; a past continuous tense. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. noun(Gram.)The imperfect tense; or the form of a verb denoting the imperfect tense. adjectiveNot perfect; not complete in all its parts; wanting a part; ...
Related to imperfect:Imperfect competition,imperfect tense tense tense[O.Fr., from Lat.,=time], in thegrammarof many languages, a category of time distinctions expressed by any conjugated form of a verb. In Latininflectionthe tense of a verb is indicated by a suffix that also indicates the...
Grammarthe imperfect tense; a verb form in this tense:Use the imperfect in the next two sentences. im•per•fect•ly,adv.:I spoke English imperfectly at first. im•per•fect•ness,n.[uncountable]See-fec-. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2025...
1 :not perfect: a :defective imperfectclothing b :having stamens or pistils but not being a flower with both 2 :of, relating to, or being a verb tense used to express a continuing state or an incomplete action especially in the past ...
Define imperfect. imperfect synonyms, imperfect pronunciation, imperfect translation, English dictionary definition of imperfect. adj. 1. Not perfect. 2. Grammar Of or being the tense of a verb that shows, usually in the past, an action or a condition as
In thesentence"He washitby acaras he wascrossingtheroad", theverb"cross" isinthe imperfectform.在句子 He was hit by a car as he was crossing the road 中,动词 cross 用的是未完成过去时。 More examples First,ourFrenchteachershowedus how to put theverb'fermer' into the imperfecttense. 'Wh...
This is an easy to play 30 minute dice game to practice the French imperfect tense. My high school students love this game, and it can get very competitive if you decide to play it as a race (details are explained with the activity). Students divide up into teams and play a dice game...
In French, the imperfect tense is used to describe an incomplete or ongoing action or state of being.