Imperative versus declarativeThere are two main ways to do development, imperative and declarative. In imperative development, the focus is on how to achieve the goal. With declarative, the focus is on getting the result. Imperative provides more flexibility because you control every ...
Zugal, Declarative versus imperative process mod- eling languages: The issue of understandability, in: T. A. Halpin, J. Krogstie, S. Nurcan, E. Proper, R. Schmidt, P. Soffer, R. Ukor (Eds.), BMMDS/EMMSAD, Vol. 29 of Lecture Notes in Business In- formation Processing, Springer, ...
Flowchart •Usedtomodelimperativeprograms•BasedonthethreecontrolstatementsthatareessentialtohaveTuringmachinecapability•PrecursorofUMLandothermoderntechniques•Originatedtodescribeprocessflowingeneral ImperativeversusDeclarativeLanguages
Declarative (functional). The declarative approach states what the final state should be. When run, the script or definition will initialize or configure the machine to have the finished state declared without defining how that final state should be achieved....
Declarative versus imperative process modeling languages : the issue of maintainability The rise of interest in declarative languages for process modeling both justifies and demands empirical investigations into their presumed advantages over ... D Fahland,J Mendling,HA Reijers,... - 《Lecture Notes ...
Imperative versus Declarative Languages Imperative programming languages (Java, C/C++) specify a sequence of operations for the computer to execute. Declarative languages (SQL, Haskell, Prolog) describe the solution space provide knowledge required to get there don’t describe steps needed to get the...
有几种不同的方法可用于实现基础结构即代码和配置即代码。主要的方法有两种:声明性(函数式)。 声明性方法 说明最终状态应当为。 运行时,脚本或定义将初始化或配置计算机以声明完成状态,而无需定义 实现最终状态的方式。命令式(程序式)。 在命令性方法中,脚本通过执行步骤来...
3.1. Imperative versus Declarative Knowledge Representation Typically, knowledge representation is declarative or passive, e.g., as XML- or RDF-files which need to be interpreted by some program to actually interact with the contained knowledge [48,49,50]. This has the advantage of clearly separat...
Pichler, P., Weber, B., Zugal, S., Pinggera, J., Mendling, J., Reijers, H.A.: Imperative versus declarative process modeling languages: An empirical investigation. In: Business Process Management Workshops, pp. 383-394. Springer (2012)...
Imperative versus Declarative Process Modeling Languages: An Empirical Investigation. In Business Process Management Workshops; Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Springer: Berlin, Germany, 2011; Volume 99, pp. 383-394.Paul Pichler, Barbara Weber, Stefan Zugal, Jakob Pinggera, Jan Mend...