The following verbs are irregular in 2nd person singular of the affirmative imperative.InfinitiveImperativeExamples decir di Di tu opinión. hacer haz Haz un calendario de publicaciones. ir ve Ve a la sala de reuniones. poner pon Pon tu nombre en la comida de la nevera. salir sal Sal sin ...
PonerPon(pohn)put, set SalirSal(sahl)go out, leave VenirVen(behn)come María has guests tonight, and she has lots of things to do at home. Her kids and her friend Carolina are there to lend her a hand. María assigns everyone a task: ...
the imperative mood is the form of the verb that makes direct commands and requests. It uses the 3rd Person singular form (él/ella/usted) in the present. The verbs in this mood can also be called familiar commands. 4. 投影片 Conjugation Use affirmative forms when you are instructing someo...
I have often wondered the same...and in the case of your example, which is a command written in negative form, I would say that you could call hables a subjunctive because at the bottom of what you're trying to convey is the idea that it is necessary or required that you do not ...
poner pon salir sal NegativeTúCommands Negativetúcommands are used to tell a friend, classmate, child, pet, or family member the same age as you or youngernotto do something. To form negativetúcommands, use thetúform of thepresent subjunctiveand putno ...