We often have a situation where we need to move the schema from Prod to DEV or from test to another. We will discuss how to import schema in the Oracle database using impdp in this situation How to import schema in Oracle 1. First of all we should take the dump of the schema or f...
在使用oracle impdp导入数据时,往往会卡在 处理对象类型 SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEX 很长时间,甚至几个小时 此时的操作方法,是先看日志,根据日志提示添加数据或日志,一般就能解决 1.查看日志 >show parameter dump 2.查看日志 tail -200 alert_orcl.log 如果日志比较大又在windows上面,可以通过xftp等工具传输...
1.以Linux的Oracle用户登录主机,然后创建导出文件的存放目录/home/oracle/dump(可自定义) mkdir -p /home/oracle/dump 2.以Oracle数据库的sys用户登录(登录命令为sqlplus sys/Xnyqsys167@ as sysdba)后执行如下命令 create directory dpdata1 as '/home/oracle/dump'; #创建导出文件的...
Oracle-impdp ORA-02304 当我们使用expdp/impdp工具进行同数据库实例(Instance)不同Schema之间数据拷贝时, 如果Schema中有type类型,就会出现 ORA-02304 错误。 对于create type失败,可在导入命令中末尾加上 transform=OID:N 可以参考下面的说明。 大意就是说如果TRANSFORM参数设置成OID=N,表示在imp的时候,新创建的表...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 12.1]: IMPDP Error Messages ORA-39353: Data Was Not Imported For "SCHEMA"."TABLE". Canno
impdp REMAP_SCHEMA用法 impdp expdp对象类型数据库数据泵文章分类机器学习人工智能 Oracle数据泵 一、数据泵的作用: 1.实现逻辑备份和逻辑恢复 2.在数据库用户之间移动对象 3.在数据库之间移动对象 4.实现表空间转移 二、数据泵的特点与传统导出导入的区别...
数据库:oracle系统:windows 2008 R2 Enterprise异常描述:impdp导入schema时报错ORA-31625D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN>impdp system/oracle_4U@ directory=hr_dir dumpfile=11gora.dmp remap_schema=ora1:hrImport: Release - Production on...
在使⽤oracle impdp导⼊数据时,往往会卡在 处理对象类型 SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEX 很长时间,甚⾄⼏个⼩时 此时的操作⽅法,是先看⽇志,根据⽇志提⽰添加数据或⽇志,⼀般就能解决 1.查看⽇志 >show parameter dump 2.查看⽇志 tail -200 alert_orcl.log 如果⽇志⽐较...
In oracle 11g( How we will use remap_schema and remap_tablespace at a time in impdp. In my case I want to import one schema tables into another schema, database is different and tablespaces are diffrent for two schemas.
Seems like the remap_table not working to me. Of course sA.tA exists, which is the one I don't want to touch, that's why I'm importing it to a different schema so that I can work there. Oracle