ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.ORA-39087: directory name DPDATA1 is invalid 查看问题信息 [oracle@dbServer ~]$ oerr ORA 39087 39087, 00000, "directory name %s is invalid"// *Cause: A corresponding directory object does not exist.// *Action: Correct...
报以下错误: ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the logfile. ORA-39087: directory name DPDATA1 is invalid 查看问题信息 [oracle@dbServer ~]$ oerr ORA3908739087,00000,"directory name %s is invalid"//*Cause: A corresponding directory object does not exist.//*Action: Correct...
ORA-39002: 操作无效 ORA-39070: 无法打开日志文件。 ORA-39087: directory name DUMPDIR is invalid 第二步:连接到其它dba权限的用户,授权给要使用expdp的用户,,也可远程执行,即expdp 中的userid中的用户,而不是schemas=后面的用户: 1grantread,writeondirectory DUMPDIRtosystem; 如果没有授权使用,也会出相应...
今天在使用IMPDP完成数据导入的过程中遇到“ORA-39002、ORA-39070……”连续报错。 导致问题原因很简单,但是提示的错误信息内容比较“诡异”,为了朋友们少走弯路,简单记录一下这个问题的处理过程。 1.问题再现 sec@secDB /db_backup/dpump_dir$ impdp sec/sec directory=dpump_dir dumpfile=20100604020437_sec.dmp...
ORA-39002: 操作⽆效 ORA-39070: ⽆法打开⽇志⽂件。ORA-39087: directory name DUMPDIR is invalid 第⼆步:连接到其它dba权限的⽤户,授权给要使⽤expdp的⽤户,,也可远程执⾏,即expdp 中的userid中的⽤户,⽽不是schemas=后⾯的⽤户:1grant read,write on directory DUMPDIR to...
ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.ORA-39087: directory name ...
今天在使用IMPDP完成数据导入的过程中遇到“ORA-39002、ORA-39070……”连续报错。 导致问题原因很简单,但是提示的错误信息内容比较“诡异”,为了朋友们少走弯路,简单记录一下这个问题的处理过程。 1.问题再现 sec@secDB /db_backup/dpump_dir$ impdp sec/sec directory=dpump_dir dumpfile=20100604020437_sec.dmp...
ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file. ORA-39087: directory name DUMP_DIR is invalid 下面有查询的信息: PRIVILEGE DIRECTORY_NAME --- DIRECTORY_PATH --- READ DATA_PUMP_DIR /home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/ orcl/dpdump/ ...
ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file. ORA-39087: directory name DATA_PUMP_DIR is invalid Remember that the default DATA_PUMP_DIR directory object is not available to nonprivileged users. In the following example, user sh is a nonprivileged user. Therefore, bec...