这个是因为impala数据没事先刷新导致的,有数无法找这个文件,所以有数就会查询报错。需要在impala进行元数据同步。如果有猛犸的权限,可以去猛犸自助取数平台切换impala数据库,执行invalidate metadata 表名;来同步数据 第二种:表不存在或者字段不存在Could not resolve table reference:'music_new_dm.ads_soc_user_...
(4)而使用Impala查询时会报无法找到表错误: ERROR: AnalysisException: Could not resolve table reference: 'user (5)Impala这边使用showtables;命令也看不到Hive刚创建的表。 2,问题原因 这是由于元数据不同步造成的。虽然,Hive和Impala使用相同的元数据存储(通常是HiveMetastore),但是Impala的元数据缓存没有同步更新。
impala中查询kudu表提示 :ERROR: AnalysisException: Could not resolve table reference 在impala中把把删除重建,提示:Table 'impala::adm_xxx.xxxxx' already exists in Kudu 刷新源数据等都无用。造成的原因是kudu单独存到了它自己的‘区域’ 解决办法: 在linux命令里输入: kudu table delete master1:7051,master...
之前CDH版本执行无误的SQL,在CDH集群升级到7.1.7版本后执行失败,具体报错信息如下:ParseException: Syntax error in line 34:\nsum(enable) as 辅助\n ^\nEncountered: ENABLE\nExpected: ALL, CASE, CAST, DATE, DEFAULT, DISTINCT, EXISTS, FALSE, IF, INTERVAL, LEFT, NOT, NULL, REPLACE, RIGHT, TRUNCAT...
Table does not exist: 1. Could not resolve table reference 1. 区别是什么??? Decompressor: invalid compressed length. Data is likely corrupt. 待执行的查询SQL依赖于表rhino_man_checked_hitrule,而表的存储文件损坏,需要重新生成表。 Expected to read a compressed text file of size 5553487 bytes. Bu...
在impala sql中使用 “having “时,出现了 “could not resolve column/field reference “的错误。 select count(dst_ip) as times, dst_ip from test_mode group by dst_ip having times > 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 我不知道为什么,impala文档支持有https://impala.apache.org/docs/build/html/topics/impala_...
// Inner reference resolves to the base table, not the implicit parent alias. AnalyzesOk("select id from functional.allcomplextypes t " + @@ -1202,6 +1219,10 @@ public class AnalyzeSubqueriesTest extends AnalyzerTest { AnalyzesOk("select id from functional.allcomplextypes " + ...
> 17:02:44 MESSAGE: AnalysisException: Could not resolve table reference: > 'functional_parquet.iceberg_lineitem_sixblocks' > {code} > IMPALA-12330 might help avoid this problem > [~boroknagyz] assigning to you for triage, please distribute as appropriate ...
user/da_music/hive/warehouse/xxx'has an incompatible Parquet schemaforcolumn'xxx'.Column type:STRING,Parquet schema:...org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException:Could not resolve column/field reference:'t2.current_card'...org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException:Failed to load metadatafortable:xxx...
If there is only one or a few data block in your Parquet table, or in a partition that is the only one accessed by a query, then you might experience a slowdown for a different reason: not enough data to take advantage of Impala's parallel distributed queries. Each data block is ...