financial assets carried at cost, the impairment loss is measured as the difference between the carrying amount of the financial asset and the estimated recoverable amount. 就按成本列值的其他即期應收款項及其他金融資產而言,減 值 虧 損按 金 融資 產 賬 面 值 與估計可收回 金 額的...
金融资产的减值 摘要:减值应用在金融资产标志着免税额或认为合理的管理对可能出现的事件收不上来的债务或应收款。这是根据估计开发的管理。建立可靠和足够的估计,必须反映在财务报表中,是该项管理的责任。评估的适当性原则和方法,并有足够的估计,如为了确认金融的真实和公正性,陈述部分是独立审计师的部分责任。评...
14、ued prior to that, it is likely that an asset has been impaired or the liability is incurred on the date of the financial statements. this is implied in this case, it may be one or more future events will occur, confirm the fact that loss. b. the amount of loss can be reasonab...
the existing data on the financial statements issued prior to that, it is likely that an asset has been impaired or the liability is incurred on the date of the financial statements. This is implied in this case, it may be one or more future events will occur, confirm the fact that ...
IMPAIRMENT OF FINANCIAL ASSETS IMPAIRMENT OF FINANCIAL ASSETS The IASB is proposing new regulations for the impairment of financial assets. This is a current issue that is examinable in Paper P2, Corporate Reporting.CURRENT REGULATION ON THE IMPAIRMENT OF FINANCIAL ASSETS – THE INCURRED LOSS ...
(iii) if the credit risk of a financial asset increases to the point that it is considered credit-impaired, interest revenue is calculated based on the amortised cost (ie the gross carrying amount less the loss allowance). Financial assets in this stage will gener...
financial instruments classified as stage 2 or 3 at the present value of expected credit shortfalls over their remaining life. The ED requires an entity to reduce the gross carrying amount of a financial asset in the period in which the entity no longer has a reasonable expectation of recovery...
5) Asset Impairment 资产减值 1. The strategy of asset impairment has become the implement of manipulating management performance, prettifying financial status, eluding market supervision for public companies. 资产减值政策在一定程度上已成为上市公司操纵经营业绩、粉饰财务状况、规避上市监管的工具。 2. ...
Recognition of asset impairment losses of financial assets carried at amortized cost, if Keguan evidence that the value of financial assets has been restored, and objective and to confirm the loss matters, the previously recognized impairment loss shall be transferred back through profit or loss. ...