The theory about the impacts of natural disasters on firms is ambiguous and the empirical evidence on this topic is scarce, which hampers the design of dis
In Bangladesh, location-specific climatic hazards were identified to be rainfall, temperature and combined effects [17]. Myanmar also showed uneven effects of dry-wet spatial variation on crops [18]. The frequency of extreme weather events is projected to increase as climate warming intensifies [19...
volcanic eruption; disaster risk management; risk mitigation; local impact; global impact1. Introduction Volcanic eruptions are considered major (very large) when the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) ≥ 5 [1,2]. The nature of the impacts of a VEI ≥ 5 eruption ranges from the destruction of...
As a small-island state, the Maltese archipelago is considered as being prone to increased vulnerability to the impacts of climate change [20]. The Maltese Islands are in fact exposed and vulnerable to a variety of natural hazards related to tectonic, geological/geomorphological and climatic ...
This process yielded a total of 1248 articles from Google Scholar, 121 articles from Scopus, and 95 articles from Web of Science. In the level three screening, additional keywords such as “catchment scale”, “sub-catchment scale”, “algorithms”, “riparian buffers”, “land cover land use...
South Africa has also witnessed extreme wildfires in the past, but not to the level of the California and Australia fires discussed earlier. As an example, approximately 35,000 fires were reported during the 2008 fire season, with a majority of fires originating from open flames during waste, ...
spanning latitudes 1°18′ to 2°34′ S and longitudes 29°5′ E to 30°35′ E, is encircled by the central plateau to the south, the eastern plateau and savannah to the east, and a volcanic range to the north with an estimated length of 151.5 km draining a total area of 8478.24...
Vegetation cover protects people and animals against natural hazards such as rockfall events, landslides, and debris flows, while considering its particular role in carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration [3,4]. In mountainous regions, settlements and infrastructure developments located at the foot of ...