The Indian Ocean tsunami of 26th December 2004 unleashed catastrophe in many nations including coastal communities located along the west-coast of Malaysian Peninsular. The goal of this study is to explore the impact of the tsunami to the preparedness of the affected coastal communities. Data was ...
Extensive areas of mangroves were destroyed or damaged by the tsunami, meaning that mangrove specialist birds will have lost a proportion of the habitat available to them.MichaelBirdLifeJ.BirdLifeCrosbyBirdLifeInformaworldBiodiversityCrosby MJ (2005) Impacts of the Indian Ocean tsunami on bids and ...
Marre K, Renaud F (2010) Differentials in impacts and recovery in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: local examples at different scales in Sri Lanka. In: Brauch H-G, Oswald Spring U麓 , Mesjasz C, Grin J, Kameri-Mbote P, Chourou B, Dunay P, Birkmann J (eds) ...
--The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami left a vast amount of destruction in its wake on land and in the sea. About 60% of coral reefs in the affected areas of Thai- land were damaged, at least in the shallowest 10-20-m (33-66 ft) depth zones. Many damaged reef, beach, and mangrove ar...
For example, following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the number of international arrivals in Phuket, Thailand's second international gateway, dropped by 67.2% in the first half of 2005, and an estimated 500 tourism companies, employing more than 3000 people, collapsed during these months with ...
hazards,suchasthe2004IndianOceanTsunami,the2005PakistanEarthquake,andthe 2006landslidesinthePhilippines.Suchimpactsposeadditionalrisksforalready vulnerablecommunitiesstrivingtocombatpovertyandachievesustainabledevelopment. TheAsia/Pacificregionaccountedfor91%oftheworld’stotaldeathand49%ofthe ...
The seabed topography and hydrodynamic environment determine the fate and transport of pollutants entering offshore regions. Coastal estuaries, port basins and lagoons that have relatively moderate ocean currents and winds are more likely to accumulate pollutants. Offshore regions and undersea canyons can...
摘要: We analyze the impact of large high velocity bodies on the surface of the Earth and obtain estimates of the size of the crater. We show that the atmosphere does not stop large bolides and their mass loss and heating during entry in the atmosphere can be neglected.关键词:...
2006. The impacts of the 2004 hurricanes on hydrology, water quality, and seagrass in the central Indian River Laggon, Florida.Estuaries and Coasts 29:954–965. Google Scholar Switzer, T. S., B. L. Winner, N. M. Dunham, J. A. Whittington, andM. Thomas. 2006. Influence of ...
Humans alter the strength of these feedbacks by changing the climate, nutrient inputs, sediment delivery and subsidence rates. Whether wetlands continue to survive sea-level rise depends largely on how human impacts interact with rapid sea-level rise, and socio-economic factors that influence ...