This activity is known as reviewer fraud or opinion spam. The paper proposes a feature set, capturing the user social interaction behavior to identify fraud. The problem being solved is one of the characteristics that lead to fraud rather than detecting fraud. Neural network algorithm is used to...
You will need the finest technical writing skills when it comes time to write and publish your manuscript, in this section we show you how.
Impact of Review, Reviewer and Hotel Characteristics on Ewom Helpfulness: An Empirical Studydoi:10.22059/jitm.2023.93622Aggarwal, SanchitaTandon, AbhishekJindal, VinitaAggarwal, Anu GuptaJournal of Information Technology Management (JITM)
Results suggest that reviewer profile image enhances the perception of review helpfulness by serving mainly as a visual decoration that creates affective responses rather than identity information.KarimiSaharWangFang.Decision Support SystemsS. Karimi, F. Wang, Online review helpfulness: impact of reviewer...
Understanding the impact of prior reviews on subsequent reviews: The role of rating volume, variance and reviewer characteristicsWord of mouthProduct ratingsRating contextInformation diagnosticitySocial influenceExtant literature has recognized the impact of previously posted ratings on subsequent ratings but ...
The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic upon responses from invited reviewers is hypothesized to be large.Objective: To test whether non-responses (including no response or failure to complete) to reviewer invitations have increased after the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Study Design and Analysis:...
THE VALUE OF ABDOMINAL CT SCAN AND THE IMPACT OF REVIEWER EXPERIENCE IN PREDICTING BLUNT BOWEL AND MESENTERIC INJURIESAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00005373-200508000-00138Chughtai, THanson, J...
doi:10.37074/jalt.2024.7.1.19Owan, Valentine J.Agama, Victor U.Odey, John O.Idika, Delight O.Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT)
Using DistillerSR (May 2020 release), we evaluated the performance of the prioritization simulation tool to determine the reduction in screening burden and time savings. Methods: Using a true recall @ 95%, response sets from 10 completed systematic reviews were used to evaluate: (i) the ...
The impact of these perspectives on the quality of student reviewer comments in the context of an introduction to engineering design course is measured across three design reviews. Students review teams presenting their work and give them written feedback on their designed artifact, design process, ...