Impacted teeth,即阻生齿,是牙齿部分萌出或完全不能萌出,且无法生长到正常咬合位置的牙科疾病。以下是对阻生齿的详细解析:
teethn.[tooth pl.] 牙齿 leaf teeth叶齿 teeth grinding磨牙;磨齿 teeth rattling牙齿打颤的 最新单词 effective separation factor的中文释义有效分离系数 effective sensitivity的中文解释有效灵敏度 effective selectivity的中文解释有效选择性 effective segregation怎么翻译及发音有效分离,正分离 ...
3.the power to produce a desired effect:that law has no teeth. the skin of one's teethSeeskin14 5.get one's teeth intoto become engrossed in the teeth ofin direct opposition to; against:in the teeth of violent criticism he went ahead with his plan. ...
1) Impacted teeth 埋伏阻生牙 例句>> 2) impacted maxilary camines 上颌埋伏阻生尖牙 例句>> 3) impacted[英][im'pæktid] [美][ɪm'pæktɪd] 埋伏阻生 1. Clinical study of the modified device of guide eruption applied inimpactedmaxillary central incisor ...
(redirected fromimpacted teeth) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical What does it mean when you dream about teeth? Something that one can “get one’s teeth into” relates to a power or control issue. Losing the teeth may reflect a loss of power as well as a loss of one’s grasp of life circum...
阻生牙(impacted teeth)是指部分萌出或完全不能萌出,且以后也不会自行萌出的牙,这种萌出异常是由邻牙、骨或软组织的阻碍而引起的。好发部位为下颌第三磨牙、上颌第三磨牙及上颌尖牙,其中阻生第三磨牙也叫做阻生智齿。 L口腔医学专家杨善麟的微博视频 ...
impacted teeth 【医】 阻生牙相关短语 torsiversion (牙) 扭转位 Dayan (西班牙) 达扬尼龙6纤维 Danulon (匈牙利) 达努纶 lifter bevel wheel (高低牙) 升降伞形齿轮 foramen root (牙科) 根尖孔 Talavera ware (西班牙) 塔拉威腊精陶 thermal ohm (热阻单位) 热欧 ohm (电阻单位) 欧 amalgam conveyor (牙...
1) impacted teeth 埋伏牙 1. Clinical analysis of the orthodontic treatment ofimpacted teeth; 埋伏牙正畸牵引治疗临床分析 2. Objective To evaluate the value of three_dimensional surface reconstruction of spiral CT_shaded surface display(SSD) to examine theimpacted teethbefore orthodontic treatment. ...
1)Impacted teeth埋伏阻生牙 英文短句/例句 1.Clinical application of 3DX CT in diagnosis and treatment of unerupted and impacted teeth锥形束三维CT在埋伏阻生牙诊疗中的作用 2.Three-dimension tecnichques on the treatment of children's impacted-teeth三维成像技术在治疗儿童埋伏阻生牙中的临床作用 ...
impacted teeth 英文impacted teeth 中文【医】 阻生牙