respectively;\({O}_{ij}\)represents the 5-km race outcome of interest in total altitude-adjusted seconds;\({T}_{l}\)is the air pollution exposure matrix obtained by applying the basis functions to either PM2.5,ozone, two-pollutant threshold AQI, or summed two-pollutant AQI;...
In the 1977 papers, Davis and Chapman note they get a better outcome for the current population if they use a reduced strength arising from prior fragmentation of a body by previous impacts. They use the terminology "deep mega-regolith" for that feature.Chapman (1978)introduced the terminology...
A primary endpoint of the TRACERx study is to explore the relationship between genomic ITH and clinical outcome. Consistent with our previous findings3, a significant association was observed between SCNA ITH and shorter DFS (Fig.4a; hazard ratio (HR) = 1.38, 95% CI = 1.03–1.83),...
The outcome of these evaluations is then used to determine the uncertainty in the model output and thereby to evaluate model robustness. In more detail, by performing uncertainty simulations, the following investigations can be considered (there are others): As the input considered in this work is...
Lost output in Dutch growth is also a negative Brexit outcome. "We have calculated that a no-deal Brexit will cost the Dutch economy around 1.2 percent of GDP in 2020 alone," Rabobank's Koopman said. "A managed Brexit that will be followed by a relatively narrow Free Trade Agreement, wh...
Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score MSC: Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cell NRS: Numeric Rating Scale OA: Osteoarthritis OOS: Out of specification SAE: Serious adverse event SUSAR: Suspected unexpected serious adverse reaction WMO: Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act ...
And what of the data, to the extent it is essential to the The Sweet Outcome of self-taught AI? This was the part of the Tesla presentation I referenced above: One of the reasons why the computer can be so much better than a person is that we have millions of cars that are ...
このオブジェクトにはフィード追迹を利用できます。 usageimpactgrouppgmmeasurehistory このオブジェクトの追迹项目には履歴を利用できます。 usageimpactgrouppgmmeasureownersharingrule このオブジェクトには共有ルールを利用できます。 usageimpactgrouppgmmeasureshare このオブ...
(See Extended Data Fig.7). And lastly, we identified the optimum number of clusters based on the outcome of four different clustering performance measurements: Davies-Bouldin Index, Silhouette coefficients, Calinski-Harabas Index and Dunn Index (see Extended Data Figure8). We find that the ...
This outcome depends on the type of intelligent service strategy adopted and employees’ perception of interactivity within the organization. These findings provide valuable insights for service enterprises in strategic decision-making. On the one hand, during the process of building an AI service ...