Cadmium (Cd) is one of the common toxic heavy metals (HMs), having harmful effects on the environment and potential health hazards allied with food chain contamination due to higher mobility, easy integration capacity in ion channels, and prolonged persi
eau de ruissellement, sistemas de cultivo, LOSSES FROM SOIL, runoff, water pollution, cropping systems, polucion del agua, escorrentia, CONVENTIONAL TILLAGE, pollution de l'eau, tillage, conservation des sols, NON-POINT SOURCE POLLUTION, soil conservation, systeme de culture, travail du sol, ...
Les sols et la vie souterraine : des enjeux majeurs en agroécologie, Chapitre 12, QUAE, 328 p Duponnois R, Hafidi M, Wahbi S, Sanon A, Galiana A, Baudoin E, Sanguin H, Bâ AM, Prin Y, Bally R (2012) Mycorrhizal symbiosis and soil fertility in arid zones: an under- ...
during high tide) and there exists an alternation of AEP domination too between N and P in the continental area, what points to an excess of both nutrients all over the study area, and to the necessity of diminishing the nutrient inputs and a higher control on these pollution sources as ...
> Impact of fresh organic matter incorporation on PAH fate in a 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 32阅读文档大小:943.18K8页luria上传于2015-06-11格式:PDF controls on the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in soils-a review 热度: 世界银行 -The Impact of Market Volatility on Hotel Efficiency in Malay...
The Oued Sra basin is part of the Central Rif in northern Morocco; It constitutes a fragile environment where soil degradation is spectacular. The objective of the present work is to study the impacts of cannabis cultivation on the physicochemical properties of soils, their ...
Their action releases the energy needed for the activity of other soil organisms.;To find answers about famers behavior in the use of pesticides,we applicate the theories of planned action of Ajzen (1991) and social representations (Jodelet, 1989). The results indicate a high score of anti-...
For both types of soil samples the experimental process was similar. A thermal perturbation (60°C, 24 hours) was applied to the soil samples. The impact ofEcole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada).Demuysere, Roxanne.Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)....
Originellement la chimie des eaux et de la matière en suspension était identique. Toutefois l’impact de la civilisation a été différent dans les deux cas. Il est proposé qu’une description détaillée des deux systèmes fluviaux devrait aider à comprendre et réduire la pollution ...
Figures See all figures Authors Moncef Zairi , Ismail Karray , Hamed Ben Dhia cole nationale d'ing茅nieurs de Sfax, BP: W, 3038 Sfax, Tunisie Key words: Erosion control strategy, Soil restoration, Runoff, Agriculture, Tunisia Page(s)...