The Influence of Height/width Ratio on Urban Heat Island in Hot-arid Climates Procedia Engineering., 118 (2015), pp. 101-108 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [5] D. Taleb, B. Abu-Hijleh Urban heat islands: Potential effect of organic and structured urban configurations on ...
Advanced urban heat mitigation technologies that involve the use of super-cool materials combined with properly designed green infrastructure lower urban ambient and land surface temperatures and reduce cooling consumption at the city scale. Here we present the results of a large-scale heat mitigation p...
URBAN heat islandsENVIRONMENTAL sciencesURBAN climatologyAIR pollutionMULTICOLLINEARITYRapid urbanization worldwide has significantly altered urban climates, creating a need to balance urban growth with thermal environmental quality for sustainable development. This study examines the relationship ...
Results show that the urban geometry has greater impacts on the road temperature than on building temperature, and the impact of the geometric parameters on road surface temperature changes with the time of the day and the season. The building height is a more effective driver of heat ...
Urban areas increasingly suffer from subsurface heat islands: an underground climate change responsible for environmental, public health, and transportation issues. Soils, rocks, and construction materials deform under the influence of temperature variat
The vast majority of studies on urban perturbation of local weather and climate have been centered on the urban heat island (UHI) effect, referring to the higher temperature in cities compared to their natural surroundings. Besides the UHI effect and heat waves, urbanization also impacts ...
In the context of escalating global energy demands, urban areas, specifically the building sector, contribute to the largest energy consumption, with urban
Mitigation of Climate Change Impact on Bioclimatic Conditions Using Different Green Space Scenarios: The Case of a Hospital in Gorgan Subtropical Climatesdoi:10.3390/f14101978CLIMATE change mitigationURBAN heat islandsPATIENTS' attitudesURBAN growthCLIMATE change...
Towards that, we use a multi-scale framework wherein we treat the SUHI not as a single entity, but as a collection of heterogeneous clusters of heat within the city. We refer to these clusters as intra-urban heat islets. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the ...
This research generates diverse future scenarios, emphasizing the importance of climate models considering extreme climates over traditional Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) approaches. Other studies, such as [7], explore the impact of the urban heat island effect on the energy consumption of various ...