“The impact of unemployment on inequality and poverty in OECD countries - Ayala, Martinez, et al.Ayala, L., R. Martinez, and J. Ruiz-Huerta (2001): "The impact of unemployment on inequality and poverty in OECD countries," Economics of Transition, 9(2), 417-447....
The mental health of the elderly is an important part of the welfare of the elderly. For a long time, the academic circles have kept close attention and strong interest in the mental health of the elderly, and explored the influence of various factors on the mental health of the elderly fr...
To analyse the joint genetic architecture of poverty, we ran a multivariable GWAS for which a common factor defined by genetic indicators is regressed on a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The multivariable GWAS of the latent poverty factor (PF) was modelled from three indicators: HI, SD ...
Poverty increases the risk of contracting infectious diseases and therefore exposure to antibiotics. Yet there is lacking evidence on the relationship between income and non-income dimensions of poverty and antimicrobial resistance. Investigating such re
Poverty among young people is an increasing problem in Britain. Children and young people have … 关键词: unemployment micro studies cardiovascular risk factors cardiovascular diseases DOI: 10.1136/bmj.314.7084.845i 被引量: 8 年份: 1997 ...
A society with unemployment remaining high for many years is very different from one providing adequate opportunities for all who want work. The lack of jobs can be a major obstacle to preventing and reducing poverty and exclusion not simply among the unemployed but also among single parents, ...
Table 1 The effect of anger on different types of consumer behaviors Full size table Research has shown that when exposed to stories of poverty, people who experience anger are motivated by it (unlike those who feel guilt) to engage in prosocial behaviors, such as donating money (Montada & ...
Significantly higher proportions were observed to be having lower levels of education, disabilities and unemployment, among the older people in ≥70-year category, compared to other age groups. Among the older people in the 60–64 age category, those without responsibility in food shopping and plan...
In addition, restrictions on the numbers of lap-dancing venues may exacerbate dancer unemployment, drawing these women into poverty. Finally, The Policing and Crime Act reflects how the political focus is being directed away from the exploitation of workers, on to issues relating to crime and ...
using a sample of 144 countries – divided between more developed countries and less developed countries –, it has showed that the reduction of the emigrant population – especially high-qualified people – and the existence of low unemployment rates have contributed to the transformation of tourism...