LONDON, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- Prominent British scientists warned on Monday of the impact of Britain leaving the European Union (EU) without a deal, which could affect scientific research immediately and could take years to build. "Britain has benefited enormously from talent from the EU", and...
Yesterday the UK government was forced to release a report describing the possible impact of the UK leaving the European Union without a deal at the end of October, which is looking increasingly possible. The plans had been codenamedOperation Yellowhammer. Tell it to me straight – ...
Two, customs clearance of goods entering and leaving the European Union and the United Kingdom becomes more complicated. Under the unified customs system of the EU, goods entering and leaving the EU do not need to repeat customs clearance and tax payment procedures. Apart from Europe, the Unite...
Using data from a new survey of graduating international students, we find that EU graduating students are significantly more likely than non-EU graduating students to plan on leaving the UK upon graduation immediately after the announcement. Interestingly, results are especially driven by students ...
2020) until February 28, awaiting the confirmatory vote of the European Parliament. The Agreement — over 1,200 pages — aims to minimize barriers to trade created as a result of the UK leaving the EU single market and to minimize disruption following the introducti...
ONS Head of International Migration Statistics Nicola White said: "Today's figures show that 244,000 more people are coming to the UK than leaving so net migration is adding to the UK population and is at a similar level to early 2014." ...
Environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment in the UK after leaving the European UnionBrexitEIASEAimmigrationEEAEFTAThe United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union and, until the terms of the 'Brexit' are negotiated, this has led to considerable uncertainty over the...
Before the discussions, May declared that the UK would not seek a long-term membership in the EU, would end ECJ jurisdiction, would seek an improved trade deal, would halt the free movement of people, and would maintain the Common Travel Area with Ireland. ...
Nearly half of the UK's housebuilders are unconcerned about the possibility of Britain leaving the EU, even though the industry still relies heavily on European labour to fill skills gaps, According to a survey of 389 owners or directors of housebuilders, 49% said they were not worried about...
The process of leaving the EU formally began on March 29, 2017, when May triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. The U.K. initially had two years from that date to negotiate a new relationship with the EU.8 Following a snap election on June 8, 2017, May remained the country’s ...