FOSTER, J. (2008) "It might have been incompetent, but it wasn't racist': murder detectives' perceptions of the Lawrence Inquiry and its impact on homicide investigation in London.' Policing and Society 18 (2): 89- 112. [doi:10.1080/10439460802008579]...
“Who Killed Daphne?,” a collaboration between Reuters journalist Stephen Grey, Jacob Borg of the Times of Malta, and Russell Finch, Nikka Singh of the Wondery podcast studio, which has been widely credited with solving the murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Calizia. Additionally...
Policing in England and Wales has experienced several significant events and developments since the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993. Although the Lawrence Report is perhaps the most well-known among these, other initiatives such as multi-agency partnerships, the creation of the Poli...
Assessing the impact of the Stephen Lawrence InquiryDominey, JaneBritish Journal of Community Justice (BJCJ)Foster J, Newburn T and Souhami A (2005) Assessing the Impact of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry. Home Office Research Study 294.
The Impact of Parental Divorce: The Relationship Between Social Support and Confidence Levels in Young Adultsdoi:10.1080/10502556.2017.1402652Lawrence J. JacksonStephen T. FifeRoutledge
The impact of the absence of these mannoproteins on cell wall thickness was assessed under aerobic and COdoi:10.1094/ASBCJ-2011-0527-01Stephen J. LawrenceDivision of Food SciencesKatherine A. SmartDivision of Food SciencesJournal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists...
Stephen R DanielsJohn A MorrisonLawrence M DolanJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Obes ResGoodman E, Adler NE, Daniels SR, Morrison JA, Slap GB, Dolan LM: Impact of objective and subjective social status on obesity in a biracial cohort of adolescents. Obes Res 2003, 11: 1018–1026....
Stephen P. FordLawrence P. ReynoldsWiley‐BlackwellMeyer, A. M., J. S. Caton, B. W. Hess, S. P. Ford, and L. P. Reynolds. 2012a. Epigenetics and effects on the neonate that may impact feed efficiency. In: R. A. Hill, editor, Feed efficiency in the beef industry. Wiley-...
The supersonic transport development program: a case study of the impact of technology upon the socio-political environmentBarish, Lawrence StephenBarish, Lawrence Stephen
All routes show longer shipping seasons and navigability as a result of sea ice loss.doi:10.1038/s41558-021-01087-6Lawrence R. MudrykJackie DawsonStephen E. L. HowellChris DerksenMike BradyNature Climate Change