PUJADAS, Xavier (2012): "Sport, Space and the Social Construction of the Modern City: The Urban Impact of Sports Involvement in Barcelona (1870-1923)" [en linea]. The International Journal of the History of Sport, vol. 29, num. 14. En: http://www.tandfonline.com.lib- ezproxy.tamu....
"It is true that virgin rubber is used because of the performance specifications required for the best in the world," said Jason Collins, general manager of global racquet sports for Wilson Sporting Goods. "Other tennis balls within our product line absolutely can and do include recycled rubber....
A Review of Return to Play Issues and Sports-Related Concussion Mild traumatic brain injury in sports has become a significant public health concern which has not only received the general public’s attention through mu... AW Doolan,DD Day,AC Maerlender,... - 《Annals of Biomedical Engineering...
Specifically, sports-related concussions or mild TBI (mTBI) has become the center of scientific scrutiny with a large amount of research focusing on the long-term sequela of this type of injury. As the populace continues to age, the impact of TBI on the aging brain will become clearer. ...
These data came as some- what of a surprise, because they occurred in the context of a pre-existing literature on the immune system in depression, which was dominated by reports of decreased cellular (lymphocyte) responses and reduced natural killer-cell activity (Irwin and Miller, 2007). ...
(2022). The impact of COVID-19 on dual career athletes: Three typologies of coping. Journal of Sports Sciences, 40(11), 1265–1274. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2022.2065088 (Open in a new window)PubMed (Open in a new window)Web of Science ®(Open in a new window)Google ...
Online learning has grown in popularity over the last few years. Understanding what factors and how they contribute to students’ e-learning engagement is crucial for the success of online education. Based on the ecological system theory, this study aims to examine the association between perceived...
The incidence of mental health disorders in urban areas is increasing and there is a growing interest in using urban blue spaces (urban waterways, canals, lakes, ponds, coasts, etc.) as a tool to manage and mitigate mental health inequalities in the population. However, there is a dearth of...
In 1897, the Natal Act was introduced which restricted “undesirable persons” from entering the country, which didn’t specify race, but certainly discriminated against non-whites. Although the British government wasn’t happy with the legislation, they allowed it anyway. HISTORY OF THE WHITE AUST...
GPT describes key technologies that can apply across a broad range of sectors and occupations and that have the capacity to improve over time and generate a wave of complementary innovations. For instance, the steam engine, electricity and the computer were important GPTs that fulfilled these crite...