COVID-19 pandemicMEDICAL studentsUNIVERSITIES & collegesIntroduction: During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all prospective of life have been affected by the situation. As a result of which, many universities adopted the online way of teaching instead of the traditional classroom teaching or by ...
the pandemic season. Hence, the present study’s objective is to develop and test a conceptual model of student’s satisfaction pertaining to online teaching during COVID-19, where both students and teachers have no other option than to use the online platform uninterrupted learning and teaching....
Thus, after the pandemic when people are left with no choice but to opt for e-Learning, it is expected to be a booming sector. In the light of all the facts, one might wonder what’s in it for me? This question is valid, and here is the answer – easy learning, no age limit,...
During the COVID-19 pandemic period of almost two years, online teaching was adopted by Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs) mostly as an emergency measure to maintain endurance in teaching-learning activities in academics. Although a lot of research works have focussed on the teaching-learning str...
Especially in this particular period, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most high school students have to take online classes at home. In a sudden shift in learning patterns, students are unable to adapt. Therefore, in the process of online classes, there are many factors that make students ...
One of the worst pandemics of recent memory, COVID-19, severely impacted the public. In particular, students were physically and mentally affected by the lockdown and the shift from physical person-to-person classrooms to virtual learning (online classes
During the COVID-19 pandemic period of almost two years, online teaching was adopted by Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs) mostly as an emergency measure to maintain endurance in teaching-learning activities in academics. Although a lot of research works have focussed on the teaching-learning str...
This presentation describes the impact of digital literacy skills for effective online learning. Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, all educational institutions of the world faced interruption in academic activities due to temporary closure. During this period, all conventional universities opted for ...
College and university education, i.e., the goal of most young people, is to acquire knowledge or skills that will be decisive for their careers [14]. During the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning has become the norm. Although online learning has been reported to be useful in nursing educ...
This study aimed to examine physical education teachers’ perceptions of work alienation in Turkey according to different variables (including gender, marital status, school level, availability of a gym in the school, age, and years of service) during the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected sustainab...