Many vertebrate extinctions followed the introduction of the exotic predators, the fox and the cat, to Australia. While experiments have confirmed the case against the fox as a serious threat to endangered species, there are no direct experimental links showing recovery of prey populations following ...
species incidence (i.e. whether there is at least one non-native species in an assemblage), number and proportion in the assemblage. We hypothesised (1) that primary vegetation is generally less invaded than ecosystems modified by humans, and (2) that the incidence and number of non-native ...
Bradshaw CJA, Field IC, Bowman DMJS, Haynes C, Brook BW (2007) Current and future threats from non-indigenous animal species in northern Australia: a spotlight on World Heritage Area Kakadu National Park. Wildl Res 34:419–436 ArticleGoogle Scholar Braga C, Alexandre N, Fernández-Llario P...
The hypothesis that predation by feral cats and introduced foxes reduces population sizes of small, native vertebrates was supported by results of a predator-removal experiment at Heirisson Prong, a semi-arid site in Western Australia. The methods of control used against cats and foxes to protect...
Nile tilapia is considered to be an established invasive species in Asia5 as well as Australia and North and South America, with reported impacts on native species and ecosystems6. Therefore, there remains a need to develop methodologies to induce sterility and reduce production losses associated ...
Invasive non-native plants are changing ecosystems and native biodiversity, and modifying soil microbial feedback. The invasive species Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) D.C. (mesquite) has been introduced into several ecosystems, especially in tropical and subtr
which was first introduced to Australia to control a crop pest subsequently spread exponentially and devastated the countries native species. This has caused major problems for the indigenous people as they can no longer practice certain traditions like bush meat hunting due to the lack of prey caus...
Prosopis spp - mesquite, in: Biological Control of Weeds in Australia. Melbourne, pp. 477–485. Google Scholar Wei et al., 2017 H. Wei, W. Fan, X. Wang, N. Lu, X. Dong, Yanan Zhao, X. Ya, Yifei Zhao Integrating supply and social demand in ecosystem services assessment: A review...
The increasing number of new fungal species described from all over the world along with the use of genetics to define taxa, has dramatically chan
policies and regulations designed for lowland areas do not always make sense when applied in the mountains. Second, when subsidies are put into effect at the local level, the reality of their implementation can veer away from the original goals of the funding program and have unintended effects ...