This study was designed to determine the impact of informal settlement and wastewater treatment plants on helminth egg contamination of urban rivers and the risks associated with everyday use. We also ascertained the accumulation of these eggs in the river sediments. The study was carried out in ...
Four catchment areas in the Umgeni Water Area of Natal, South Africa, were chosen for this study of river water quality in informal settlements. The catchment areas were similarly sized, but varied in land utilization from dense informal settlements to predominantly agricultural. Bacteriological polluti...
After more than two decades of research on technological interventions in the transition to information societies, the burgeoning of mobile phones in developing countries has shifted the information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D)
Furthermore, a regional study on urbanization impact was successfully conducted for several rapidly urbanizing cities in South Asia based on S-2 MSI data, LM, urban–rural gradient and grid-based methods (Ranagalage et al., 2021). Previous studies illustrated the potential of remotely sensed ...
have seen considerable development in regulatory procedures related to the practice of IA, which will help improve the performance of IA (Al-Akra et al.2016). Despite the importance of IA, little is known about its role and functions. Some studies describe the role of IA as an underexplored...
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, tens of thousands of scientific articles have been published. Researchers are enthusiastic to uncover the effects of COVID-19. This study aims to critically assess the methods researchers used to analy
Enhancing livelihood resilience is an effective approach for smallholders to cope with climate change in which governments play an important role. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the impact of policy measures on smallholders’ livelihood resilience (SLR), especially for the case of vulnerable...
The impact of urbanization on physical, physiological and mental health of Africans in the north west province of South Africa: the THUSA study. We studied the impact of urbanization and the resultant demographic transition on the physical, physiological and mental health of Africans in the North ...
In South Africa, land use is a particularly complex issue, partly due to the physical planning policies of the previous political dispensation. Under the 1913 Land Act, 13% of the country’s land was held in trust as homelands (currently communal areas) in which 50% of the black population...
Farm households around the world are increasingly exposed to both external and internal shocks and stressors. Enhancing the resilience of farm households t