Both Democratic and Republican leaders believe that illegal immigrants should not receive government-funded insurance in any new health legislation. Particular focus is given to the insurance restrictions facing illegal immigrants under the House version of the reform bill, along with the proposed ...
The article focuses on the effect of the decline in numbers of illegal immigrants to the economy of the U.S. It states that illegal immigration by mostly Mexican declined because of low demand for labor and the economic condition of the country. According to Audrey Singer, illegal immigration ...
Black Community Debates Impact of Illegal ImmigrantsROBERT SIEGEL, MICHELE NORRIS
Census could boost impact of illegal immigrantsMike Swift, San Jose Mercury News
However, there arealso concerns about the capacity of countries to handle large numbers of immigrants. There may be strains on housing, healthcare, and social services. There can also be security concerns, as immigration can provide opportunities for illegal activities and terrorism. In conclusion,...
This article focusses on the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) as its case study. Firstly, Germany, especially around 2015, experienced a significant influx of refugees and immigrants, which led to politicisation and increased saliency of the topic, which was also reflected in public deba...
"Impact of the 1996 Welfare Reform and Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Acts on Caribbean Immigrants." Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Services 2 (May 2, 2010): 147-166.Clarke, Velta. Impact of the 1996 Welfare Reform and Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant ...
So, in reality, this legislation isn’t about those other things which they’re trying to get us to support the legislation about; this is only about legalizing the status of 15 to 20 million illegals and then finding new ways to get more immigrants into our country. It has ...
Economic impact of immigrants is complex; The legislative auditor urges caution on determining costs associated with illegal immigrants.(NEWS)Hopfensperger, Jean
A survey conducted of undocumented aliens and providers of public services showed that the state of Texas receives more from taxes paid by undocumented persons than the cost of the state to provide them with public services, such as education, health care, corrections, and welfare. The same ...