Playing video games in moderation can have a very positive impact on one’s mental health. It’s because it feels good and fulfilling that many commit dozens of hours per week to this hobby. So, let’s see what are some positive effects of video games on mental health. Games Can Be St...
Editorial: The impact of social media, gaming, and smartphone usage on mental healthdoi:10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1367335SOCIAL mediaSMARTPHONESMENTAL healthThomas, JustinAl-Beyahi, FahadGaspar, CarlFrontiers in Psychiatry
Both non-playing adolescents and “excessive gamers” overall reported suffering poorer mental health compared to adolescents who were moderately exposed to video games, i.e., during one to ten hours per week. The authors therefore suggested a positive impact of moderate video gaming on adolescents...
Concerns have been raised about the potential negative impact of video games on our mental and physical health. However, recently, more researches have revealed these worries are largely unfounded. Nevertheless, there exists a deep-seated idea that engaging in video games leads to a decline in cog...
A number of gaming interventions have been evaluated in small-scale studies with various patient groups, but studies on patients with schizophrenia remain scarce and rarely include the evaluation of both clinical and neurocognitive outcomes. In this study, we will test the effectiveness of two ...
Streaming services like Netflix and Spotify have made it easier than ever to consume media on the go, while virtual reality technology has opened up new possibilities for immersive gaming experiences. However, concerns have been raised about the impact of screen time on mental health, particularly...
A number of gaming interventions have been evaluated in small-scale studies with various patient groups, but studies on patients with schizophrenia remain scarce and rarely include the evaluation of both clinical and neurocognitive outcomes. In this study, we will test the effectiveness of two ...
Gaming has had some humble beginnings, and it was mainly a solitary activity, with players sitting alone in their rooms and enjoying a game on their own. However, this is no longer true, as the rise of online gaming has made it possible to connect with other players from all parts ...
popular culture, transcending the boundary of mere entertainment to become a vital aspect of contemporary life. While the debate about the impact of video games on individuals’ health and behavior continues, a growing body of research shows that gaming can have a positive impact on cognitive ...
Excessive gaming can lead to several negative outcomes, including poor academic performance, social isolation, and evenaddiction. In some cases, excessive gaming may also contribute to the development of mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression. ...