early interventioneconomic modellingpsychosisAimsTo develop and populate a plausible model of the impact of early intervention (EI) for children and adolescents with psychosis to estimate potential short-term health-related cost savings compared to generic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS...
To explore the shape of the relationship between HI and mental health, and specifically to answer the question whether there is a particular HI threshold at which the effect of HI on mental health kicks in, we used GWAS data for the HI categories and investigated the effect of each category...
Pupils who have language difficulties when they start school can be at risk of mental ill health as they grow up, new research suggests. Here two academics explore the impact that developmental language disorder can have on wellbeing
The analysis indicated that attentional dysregulation, impulsivity, and sadness may potentially be causally related to a range of aversive outcomes, further suggesting they are important targets for intervention. As previously found, ADHD traits and sadness (likely a proxy for distress) strongly ...
Different social work intervention components had different predictive effects on these changes. Conclusion The Community Mental Health Intervention Project is an effective early detection and intervention programme in working with Hong Kong Chinese people who are suspected of having mental health problems, ...
Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) trains individuals who regularly interact with youth to identify youth experiencing mental health challenges. Several studies demonstrate positive training impacts, but few assess whether the training equally impacts participants of different demographic and professional ...
The infliction of war and military aggression upon children must be considered a violation of their basic human rights and can have a persistent impact on their physical and mental health and well-being, with long-term consequences for their development. Given the recent events in Ukraine with mi...
Intervention Sixteen sessions of individual CBT for SAD. Main Outcome Measures Negative emotion ratings and functional magnetic resonance imaging blood oxygen–level dependent signal when reacting to and cognitively reappraising negative self-beliefs embedded in autobiographical social anxiety situations. Results...
Growing use of mobiles phones (MP) and other wireless devices (WD) has raised concerns about their possible effects on children and adolescents’ wellbeing. Understanding whether these technologies affect children and adolescents’ mental health in positive or detrimental ways has become more urgent fo...
Partnerships between mental health (MH) clinics and school systems in which providers deliver MH services on school grounds are growing. To date, however, there is little research examining MH clinic administrator perspectives on how this service delivery model affects continuity and quality of MH ser...