Healthcare pathwayPatient feedbackTelehealthTreatment experienceThe impacts of COVID-19 were noticeable at multiple points of care during the "universal" care pathway, including at initial screening, referral to specialists, diagnosis, treatment initiation/surgery, and during ongoing care. Greater ...
It’s also created a unique problem for the surrogacy industry, leaving foreign parents unable to unite with their newborn babies. One facility in Southern California is currently housing dozens of Chinese babies, whose parents have not been able to enter the country to take custody ...
The far-reaching effects of COVID-19 have introduced the world to anew normal, but the biggest impact has undoubtedly been in healthcare. In the long term, it has permanently shaped the future of healthcare delivery. In the short term, medical technology was rapidly shifted to become digitali...
The healthcare industry, in particular, has had rapid expansion in recent years, contributing significantly to employment and revenue [13]. A couple of years back, diseases and anomalies in the human body could only be identified by a medical examination in a hospital. The vast majority of pat...
The Global Healthcare Asset Management Market Report includes the top companies in the market, with company profile, growth aspects, opportunities and threats to market development. This report provides an industry SWOT analysis of the estimated time scale. This report covers the latest industry ...
COVID-19 has severely impacted the medical industry. Weiss & Paarz has gathered data on how COVID impacts the willingness of individuals to seek medical care.
As the impact of COVID-19 on patients and healthcare systems began to manifest, nurses found themselves in situations never seen before, frequently working long hours with limited access to personal protective equipment and evolving guidance on how to care for patients with the virus. ...
Pandemic and epidemic infectious diseases such as COVID-19 or MERS-CoV impose a significant level of anxiety and stress on healthcare workers who are caring of infected patients, with their main concern being the risk of transmitting the infection to their families or to acquire it themselves. ...
care; 70.6% of respondents felt the COVID-19 pandemic had had moderate to significant impact on their practice's ability to provide routine health checks or screening for type 2 diabetes and approximately half of respondents (48.3%) reported encountering mental health concerns in people with ...
The once-in-a-centurypandemic thrust the healthcare industry into the teeth of the storm. The combination of accelerating affordability challenges, access issues exacerbated by clinical-staff shortages and COVID-19, and limited population-wide progress on outcomes is ...