The Impact Of The Coronavirus Pandemic On Education In The Gulf RegionYas, HarithAlnazawi, Aseelah AbdullahAlanazi, Mansuor A.Alharbi, Saud S.Alghamdi, AmalJournal of Positive School Psychology
Joshi A, Vinay M, Bhaskar P (2020) Impact of coronavirus pandemic on the Indian education sector: perspectives of teachers on online teaching and assessments. Interact Technol Smart Educ ahead-of-print. Kamarianos I, Adamopoulou A, Lambropoulos H,...
Citation: Aivaz, K.-A.; Teodorescu, D.The Impact of the CoronavirusPandemic on Medical Education: ACase Study at a Public University inRomania. Sustainability 2022, 14, 542. Editors: Jon-Chao Hong,Chi-Ruei Tsai and Ying Hwa KeeReceived: 30 November...
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has disproportionately affected patients with kidney disease, causing significant challenges in disease management, kidney research and trainee education. For patients, increased infection risk and disease severity, often complicated by acute kidney injury, ...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first reported in December 2019 and spread rapidly with an outbreak throughout the whole world, creating more than 217 million cases confirmed and over 4.55 million deaths worldwide as far [1]. Alongside daily life, the pandemic also affected medical edu...
COVID-19 has caused schools to shut across the world, resulting in over 1.2 billion children globally being out of the classroom. Education has been altered drastically, and with the dramatic rise of e-learning, some of the changes brought by coronavirus might be here to stay. eChineseLearnin...
Few studies quantified the influence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on medical teaching and scientific research activities in China. This is the first national study to investigate such topics from the viewpoint of physicians practic
Bozkurt A, Sharma RC (2020) Emergency remote teachingin a time of global crisis due to Coronavirus pandemic. Asian J Distance Educ 15(1):1–6. *Bozkurt A, Jung I, Xiao J, Vladimirschi V, Schuwer R, Egorov G, Lambert S, Al-Freih M, Pete J...
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on university students’ dietary intake, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour. Participants were students (n = 125) from the Universities of Saskatchewan and Regina. An online questionnaire was administered ...
This chapter provides a critical look at what COVID-19 meant for the education sector in South Africa. It documents the path of the pandemic in the education space to understand its effects and the short-term responses of the education system. It begins