The impact of commercial fishing on the determination of habitat associations for sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus, Gmelin). ICES Journal of Marine Science 66, 2043e2051.Smith, S.J., J. Black, B.J. Todd, V.E. Kostylev, and M.J. Lundy. 2009. The impact of commercial fishing ...
For a given rate of fishing mortality, L c_opt keeps catch and profit near their theoretical optima while maintaining large population sizes. Application of the three rules would not only minimize the impact of fishing on commercial species, it may also achieve several goals of ecosystem-based ...
The aim of the present study was to quantify the effect of, and recovery from, different intensities of fishing (scallop dredging) on the benthic communities and habitat characteristics. We performed a BACI experiment on an unprecedented scale that aimed to mimic the patterns of commercial scallop ...
Commercial fishing usually involves casting nets between two boats, while fish are unable to swim backward. Therefore, once they are caught in the net, there is no escape unless they are small enough to fit through the net's mesh. Fully 25 percent of the world's fisheries are at risk of...
12The extent to which fishers could adapt, by fishing elsewhere for example, and avoid these costs was uncertain. A major concern is that the monuments exclude commercial fishing in nearly one-third of the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone in the Pacific Islands region. Loss of access to ...
They also recommended returning to a single legal regime for commercial fishing applying to all Canadians. On April 14th, Geoff Regan, the federal fisheries minister, responded to two previous reports from a year ago. One, from a First Nations group, suggested giving natives a rising share of ...
properly managed, about twenty million metric tons could be added to the world's annual catch. But restoration of ecological balance, fiscal profitability (收益) and economic security will require'a continual reduction in the capacity of the commercial fishing industry so that wild populations can ...
1). These regions were identified based on bycatch data collected by the Norwegian Coastal Reference Fleet (CRF), which is a group of about 25 concurrent vessels that is designed to be representative for the nation-wide commercial fleet of small fishing vessels (less than 15 m length overall)...
During the planning process, considerable opposition by commercial and recreational fishers alike to the rezoning was raised arguing substantial loss in economic benefits. The commercial sector was compensated through a buyback of fishing effort, but the recreational sector received no compensation. A ...
are still filled with seafood, it's in part because spatial expansion andtrade makes up for overfishing and 'fishing down the food chain' in local waters," said lead author Wilf Swartz, a PhD student at the University of British Columbia's Fisheries Center, in a statement.Mike Orcutt...