The events of the late 1980s and early 1990s have called into question the analysis that holds labour market inflexibility responsible for European economic performance. Rising unemployment and the inequalities of the UK in the early 1990s raised doubts about the effectiveness of the reforms initiated...
一、谁需要做劳工市场影响评估? 想要招聘外籍劳工或技术工人的加拿大公司或雇主,在为外籍工人申请工作许可证之前,需要进行劳工市场影响评估(Labour Market Impact Assessment,LMIA)的申请。LMIA是加拿大就业和社会发展部(ESDC,简称为劳工部)颁发的文件,授权雇主雇佣临时工人。 二、对想移民加拿大的外籍人士(包括中国国内申...
A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document issued by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) assessing the impact of hiring a foreign national in Canada. A positive LMIA indicates that there is no Canadian citizen or permanent resident to fill a position, therefore enabling ...
为了保护加拿大本地人的就业机会,在雇主在雇佣外国工人之前,通常需要申请劳工市场影响评估LMIA,以证明没有本地人能胜任该工作岗位。 LMIA有两种类别,一种政府免费办理,批准后可以支持申请人的移民申请,在快速通道中加50分(一般职业)或200分(高级管理类职业)。另
In particular, few studies have examined the impact of caseloads for caseworkers on the labour market outcomes of the unemployed. Caseloads refer to the number of unemployed clients a caseworker is responsible for: the caseworker-to-clients ratio. It is a potentially important policy parameter as ...
This study offers insight into the discriminatory workings of the labour market and its unequal outcomes with respect to employment, wages, and occupations, and its impact on the poverty of Scheduled Caste wage workers in India. It develops an understanding of the persistence of caste inequality in...
The impact of minimum wages on labour market transitions. The Economic Journal 123 (573), 1203-1235.Brochu, P., and D.A. Green. Forthcoming. The Impact of Minimum Wages on Labour Market Transitions. Economic Journal.Brochu P. and Green D. A. ( 2013 ) ‘ The Impact of Minimum Wages ...
VIENNA, June 11 (Xinhua) -- A cooling of Austria's economic growth is beginning to impact a previously resilient labor market, according to a leading economic institute. In a flash report Tuesday, the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) said the employment situation is still favorable...
Acre is partnered with a household energy system operator responsible for the power supply to over 35 million Americans.The client is looking to identify a leading market design and economics professional to bolster their business. Working for the Head of Market Design, this senior lead will ...
Acre’s pioneering work in responsible investment, sustainable finance and impact investing has created the largest global recruitment network of its kind. What is Impact Investing? How does Impact Investing work? Impact Investing is changing the world as it strives to solve some of the...