Impact of alcohol intake on the relationships of uric acid with blood pressure and cardiac hypertrophy in essential hypertension[J]. J Curdiol, 2015:50914 5087(15)00 372-X.Seki S; Oki Y; Tsunoda S;.Impact of alcohol intake on the relationships of uric acid with blood pressure and cardiac...
Marriage is a fundamental institution in American culture that provides a socialstructure of advantages for wedded couples. Unlike heterosexual citizens in
31]. Based on literature analysis, a significantly higher incidence of alcohol abuse has been observed among psoriasis patients [30,31]. Patients have various psychological and social problems, with particular attention paid to stigma and secondary ...
Two competing hypotheses concerning the effects of stressful environments on the onset of puberty were tested using longitudinal data for a sample of boys from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Paternal alcoholism and maternal social position were used as indicators of family stress. School placement was ...
and the United Kingdom have reported positive associations between high informal caregiving hours and lack of exercise, unhealthy eating, alcohol consumption, mobility limitations, caregiver stress, depression, anxiety, long-term back problems, pain or discomfort, low quality of life, lack of personal...
recognized for our straightforward, structured approach to drug and alcohol rehabilitation. As a pioneering treatment center with over 50 years of experience, we provide critical education and resources, supporting individuals and families on their journey toward significant, long-term recovery from substan...
Students were then assessed on their grade of first alcohol use and binge drinking based on the first year in which they were classified as “current drinker” and “current binge drinker” respectively. 2.3.2. Body weight and weight status (BMI) Each year, students were asked to report ...
Mobile phone addiction has become a widespread phenomenon in Chinese society, attracting significant social attention. However, there is still limited understanding of complexities and relationships concerning anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and mobile phone addiction (MPA) among college students. To bett...
Third, SNS strengthen offline social networks by facilitating the maintenance of relationships, allow users to gather more information about their peers, foster social creativity, reduce stress, and provide online support (Jenkins, Zaher, Tikkanen, & Ford, 2019; Lee & Borah, 2020; Li & Peng, ...
Wang, X., Wang, Y. The impact of perceived social support on e-learning engagement among college students: serial mediation of growth mindset and subjective well-being.Eur J Psychol Educ39, 4163–4180 (2024). ...