Wireless impact measurement for martial arts, In: M.Estevalet, P. Brisson (eds.) The Engineering of Sport 7. Springer, Paris 2008;1:231-237.Cowie JI, Flint JA, Harland AR. Wireless impact measurement for martial arts. In: Estivalet M, Brisson P (eds). The engi- neering of sport 7...
Harrison David A. Hart Graham Hart The Harweg Foundation Pruyn and Kelly Haskins Dr. Robert H. A. Haslam The Hassard Family Thanksgiving Turkey Auction Joe Hawco Peter Hawkrigg Barry K. Haywood Head Shave for Brainchild Healey's Frank and Heather ...
Blavatsky soon left Dayananda and established her own “Samaj,” whose Indian headquarters were outside Madras city, at Adyar. Annie Besant (1847–1933), the Theosophical Society’s most famous leader, succeeded Blavatsky and became the first and only British woman to serve as president of ...
Blavatsky soon left Dayananda and established her own “Samaj,” whose Indian headquarters were outside Madras city, at Adyar. Annie Besant (1847–1933), the Theosophical Society’s most famous leader, succeeded Blavatsky and became the first and only British woman to serve as president of ...