Abstract:ThestresschangeofthesurroundingfaultsinducedbytheLushanearthquakedeservesattention.In thispaper,theauthorsdevelopedathree-dimensionalnonlinearfiniteelementmodeltoexploretheco-seismic loading/unloadingeffect,basedonthecoseismicstaticslipdatadeducedfromthefieldbodywaveformrecord inversion.Thepreliminaryresultsshowedthat...
(a) Typical microtexture of raw anthracite, BSU-Basic structure unit; (b) Rotation and preferred orientations of local BSUs under simple shear; (c) Formation of graphite by the gradual expansion of locally ordered structure into the whole field. 5. Inorganic graphitization in carbonate-hosted ...
In order to ascertain the impact of the Tohoku-Oki 3.11 M9.0 earthquake on the stability of the faults in the Beijing Plain, we investigated the adjustment of the in situ stress field of the Beijing Plain after this earthquake based on in situ stress monitoring data. Then, we analyzed the...
Herein, we investigate the estimation performance of the coseismic slip and interseismic slip deficit off the coast of Nankai using the proposed method. Since the Nankai Trough earthquake has not yet occurred since the advanced observation network was installed, we used artificial observation data gener...
To explain these observations, the prevailing hypothesis advanced is that CO2–rock interactions induce a weakening of the mechanical response with the potential of activating faults [3]. For the Illinois Basin Decatur project, this prevailing hypothesis remains unproven, many years later. The issue ...