5 Year Impact Factor1.1 Cite Score2.2 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)28 Social Media Mentions36 Downloads70,139 Physics in Perspective Impact Factor0.1 5 Year Impact Factor0.4 Cite Score0.6 Social Media Mentions103 Downloads65,299 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics Impact Factor...
A large quantity of pesticides is lost via spray drift, off-target deposition, run-off, and photodegradation, for instance, which can have undesirable effects on some species, communities, or ecosystems as a whole, as well as on the humans [10]. Another relevant factor is that low ...
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites 2023 (2024 update) 5.8 - - 2022 6.2 - 198756 2021 6.371 - 186355 2020 5.316 4208 152275 2019 4.650 4845 125517 2018 4.175 3841 102817 2017 3.779 4708 84802 2016 3.133 3243 68732 2015 3.014 3348 60798 2014 2.999 2952 54156 2013 2.726 ...
The solid fraction is commonly used to characterize different types of flow-type mass movements (Pierson and Scott1985; Dasgupta2003; Pierson2005; Hungr et al.2014). Each flow type falls within a continuous spectrum of solid fraction. As the solid fraction increases, stream flows (or flash flo...
While it is widely recognized that institutions are an important factor for identifying the multiple causes of inequality (e.g., Acemoglu, 2003; Smeeding, 2002), the weight attached to this factor in econometric studies has long been limited. Some papers have argued that, given the relative st...
The cross section for ionization from the vibrational level v″ of the neutral molecule to a vibrational level v′ in the ionized molecule is given by the Franck–Condon factor (FCF) which is equal to the square of the overlap integral between the respective vibrational wavefunctions, i.e. ...
YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)0.8-- 20220.8-3288 20211.115-3646 20201.0471213746 20190.8391143408 20180.9611203201 20170.7571293230 20160.6311503139 20150.6861223258 20140.7441683142 20130.7721762969 20120.8991752926 20110.8641973164 ...
TC Taurocholate TCDC Taurochenodeoxycholate TDC Taurodeoxycholate TKI Tyrosine kinase inhibitors tmax Time to reach maximum plasma concentration UDC Ursodeoxycholate UNGAP European network on understanding gastrointestinal absorption-related processes VEGF-C Vascular endothelial growth factor C ...
An assessment of how solid-state chemistry is impacting the physical sciences, through continuing advances and the many ways of interacting across disciplinary boundaries, could help the National Science Foundation and the scientific community better appreciate its value and contributions in the greater ...
of solid mechanics along with numerical methods. Li et al. [12] theoretically analysed the three-dimensional (3D) RH auxetic structures based on both a small deflection model and large deflection model. Wang et al. [13,14] established an analytical model of a 3D RH auxetic cellular structure...