Results in Chemistry publishes original research articles in the field of General Chemistry. The journal is directed at academics, practitioners and scientists who are involved in such topics of scientific research. The publishing policy for Results in Chemistry is to publish novel innovative contribution...
Chemistry World Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 1473-7604.
Inorganic Chemistry Journal Abbreviation: INORG CHEM Journal ISSN: 0020-1669 YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)4.3-- 2022-- 20215.436-110623 20205.1651869103059 20194.825179496159 20184.850167293363 20174.700163492336 20164.857149791499...
Research Impact Score*: 13.6 Impact Factor: 10.138 Citescore: 14.1 SCIMAGO SJR: 2.241 SCIMAGO H-index: 75 Research Ranking (Chemistry) 114 Research Ranking (Chemistry) 62 Number of Best scientists*: 456 Documents by best scientists*: 553 Journal...
Impact factor of Clinical ChemistryBruns, David EAmericanassociationforclinicalchemistry Inc
2014. 2.22 AIP Advances (IF=1.59)Reject.Does not fall under the range of topics.2014. 2....
We are pleased to announce that Clarivate Analytics’ Journal Citation Report announced the 2016 impact factor for ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (ACS SCE) as 5.951, an increase of 13% over the 2015 impact factor of 5.267 and an increase of 28% over the 2014 impact factor of 4.642....
Rediscovering the Impact of Marketisation: Dimensions of social segregation in England's secondary schools, 1994-99 Gorard and Fitz have used an index to examine the segregation of pupils eligible for free school meals in Wales and England. They suggest that secondary sc... P Noden - 《...
Impact Factor:2.165 (2023-24) Ingress Full textAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Your PaperOpen AccessPropose Special IssueRecommend to LibrarianEditor RegistrationsIndexing & ArchivingOrder ReprintsPay Online Pubmed Indexed Articles Organic and Medicinal chemistry international Journal is an open access journal that is...
clinical chemistry High impact factor for clinical chemistryHigh impact factor for clinical chemistryBruns, David EAmericanassociationforclinicalchemistry Inc