Biomaterials Journal Abbreviation: BIOMATERIALS Journal ISSN: 0142-9612 YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)12.8354111643 202214.0-119835 202115.304-131366 202012.479529126871 201910.317526108070 201810.273595109384 20178.806545108908...
5 Year Impact Factor2.1 Cite Score4.6 Social Media Mentions74 Downloads214,530 Chinese Journal of Polymer Science Impact Factor4.1 5 Year Impact Factor3.3 Cite Score7.1 Social Media Mentions106 Downloads113,894 Applied Composite Materials Impact Factor2.3 5 Year Impact Factor2.3 Cite Score4.2 Sub...
而JBMR A的衰落是不是由于其审稿期和发表期太长所导致的呢。当年JBMR可是与Biomaterials齐名的生物材料类两大杂志之一,而与后者IF蒸蒸日上相比,前者则是始终难以迈过3这个坎。所以我觉得一个杂志的影响力,与杂志社的管理与推广也有很大的关系,很简单的说就是谁愿意花时间耗在一个效率很差的期刊上呢? 第五档次 ...
NANO provides an ideal forum for presenting original reports of theoretical and experimental nanoscience and nanotechnology research. Research areas of interest include: nanomaterials including nano-related biomaterials, new phenomena and newly developed characterization tools, fabrication methods including by sel...
The latest impact factor* has been announced and Bioactive Materials now has an impact factor of 18.9, which ranks it 1st in the MATERIALS SCIENCE, BIOMATERIALS category and 2nd in the ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL category. JCR Category Rank Quartile JCR Category Rank Quartile MAT...
Impact Factor Stories: International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials.doi:10.1080/17521742.2013.854999MishraMunmayaEditors Bulletin
and/or iv) suppress the activation of nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) pathway. Inversely, ROS-generating inorganic biomaterials have been found to be capable of: i) inducing immunogenic cell death (ICD), ii) reprograming tumor-associated macrophages from M2 to M1 phenotypes, iii) activating ...
If ‘X’ is the total number of articles published in 2016 and 2017, and ‘Y’ is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2018 then, impact factor = Y/X. Nanotechnology Nanotechnologyis the manipulation or the engineering of functional matter on an atomic, ...
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedicine PubMed indexed journals, Impact Factor journals, Web of Science indexed journals, Medline indexed journals
ImpactFactor percentile LancetGlobalHealth 99.699 Journalwith largestJournal ImpactFactor increase CA-ACANCER Journal orClinicians 137.578 to187.040 Categorieswithmostnew JournalImpactFactors Engineering,Electrical&Electrichad8and Telecommunications;Endocrinology&Metabolism; ...