Five key factors go into determining your credit score, each of which provides varying degrees of importance. Understanding each factor’s impact can help you establish the highest credit score possible. This also helps you obtain better credit terms and save money on interest payments i...
impact factor based on the JCR data.The research results show that as a whole,the values of journal impact factors increase with the quantity of intradisciplinary journals increasing,and there is no much sense for comparing the impact factor of interdisciplinary journals.A new improved method for ...
While it did not impact anxiety for a roughly equal number of men (41.7%), anxiety around ejaculatory control is likely a bigger factor for men with intravaginal ejaculatory latency times of less than 1 min and with a diagnosis of lifelong or acquired premature ejaculation. However, future ...
The factor test was designed according to the DSM-IV criteria and related emotional and behavioral changes feedback from the psychological intervention experts. Score points were designed as follows: respondents answered with “Yes” or “No” to each of the following questions, and if they ...
Gender as a factor in an environmental assessment of the consumption of animal and plant-based foods in Germany. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 17, 550–564 (2012). Article Google Scholar Van Dooren, C., Marinussen, M., Blonk, H., Aiking, H. & Vellinga, P. Exploring dietary ...
Fig. 2. (a) Proportion of mediation effect (school attendance) estimate for EPA TfS-test score relationship. * Proportion of mediation effect=the proportion of the exposure's effect on the outcome that mediated by another factor (i.e. mediator). (b) Proportion of mediation effect (school at...
If Twitter does consider landing page engagement, conversions, or experience as a factor, it doesn’t seem to influence your campaign performance heavily. That said, pairing your Twitter Ads with dedicated landing pages is still a good idea if you expect to re-engage and convert visitors on ...
To further analyze the SEW survey, but to also simplify the analytical process, we also conducted a factor analysis to reduce the number of components and created four composites, for specific areas of self-efficacy, as a result. The four composites used in our analysis, the questions that ...
The latter score is the posterior probability of loss or gain (whichever is greater) of the given property due to the substitution. The higher the property score, the more likely that the molecular mechanism of the disease involves the alteration of the property. Full size image To address ...
applies PyClone to each mutation group independently. Any group of mutations defined according to the presence or absence consisting of fewer than five mutations were not clustered using PyClone. Additionally, an indel-region-specific VAF correction factor was applied to ensure that no indel-driven ...