NEUROL CLIN 1064 BEHAV PHARMACOL 3677 INT J INFECT DIS 1557 CHEM BIOL DRUG DES 3276 IEEE MICRO 5081 J R STAT SOC A STAT0964-1998 6997 RESP MED 3821 INT J WILDLAND FIRE1049-8001 6417 PARASITOLOGY 1234 BLOOD TRANSFUS-ITALY 2883 FRONT ZOOL Jun-25 1932-4553 1019-6439 0940-6360 1541-1672 ...
RankISSNTotalCites5-YearImpactorFactorArticlesCitedHalf-lifeArticleInfluenceTMScore 2001COMPUTTHEORCHEM2210-271X1200.2444670.50.00001 2981FRONTPHYS-BEIJING2095-0462100.227440 7401RSCADV2046-2069320.1072330 8201WIRESCOMPUTMOLSCI1759-0876721.108650 48ACSCATAL2155-54351840.8922040.50.00001 ...
Risk factor modification of SBP had a significant effect on executive function. Overall, executive function declined with increasing SBP (Fig. 2). Individuals who were on antihypertensives, i.e., with an established diagnosis of hypertension, showed an effective systolic range below ~140 mmHg co...
The extracellular matrix (ECM) has crucial, though often overlooked, roles during the development of an inflammatory response. Lydia Sorokin describes the interactions that occur between leukocytes and the ECM and discusses how aberrant regulation of ECM
base case and scenarios to the right of the base case use discount rates of 3% for costs and 1% for HO. 4CMenB four-component meningococcal serogroup B vaccine; GDP gross domestic product; HO health outcomes; ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; QAF quality of life adjustment factor; QA...
SARS-CoV-2 infection may directly impact mechanisms of disease in age-associated neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Vascular dysfunction plays a central role in AD and PD [204]. Expression of the ApoE4 allele — a major risk factor for ...
Surg. Neurol. Int., 6 (Nov. 2015) [9] The Scottish Motor Neuron Disease Register: a prospective study of adult onset motor neuron disease in Scotland. Methodology, demography and clinical features of incident cases in 1989, J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry, 55 (7) (Jul. 1992), pp. 536...
of SES as an important factor that influences individuals across the entire lifespan. In fMRI studies lower SES has been linked to reduced activation of hippocampus and amygdala in resting-state fMRI [9]. In task-based fMRI, with working memory paradigm, reduced activation of frontal and tempora...
Adverse life events (e.g., severe accidents, violence/abuse, organic disorders) can elicit traumatic responses characterized by intrusive thoughts, hyperarousal, and avoidance—highlighting the need for sound assessment tools. Also, these traumatic compo