Purpose: Middle-age may be a challenging time for people with physical disabilities as life demands, secondary symptoms such as fatigue, and risk for depression increase, yet little is known about types, levels, and impact of life stressors in individuals aging with disability. Our aims were ...
The impact factor is calculated by dividing the number of times articles from a journal are cited in a core of about 5,000 journals by the number of articles published by that journal in the same period of two years. It is used as a measure of a journal's scientific influence, but the...
The New Freedom Initiative and its impact on disability and rehabilitation research Focuses on the research aspects of the New Freedom Initiative (NFI) by U.S. President George W. Bush designed to break down the barriers to equality faced by people with disabilities. Four components of NFI; Fun...
5 Year Impact Factor0.8 Cite Score1.4 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)40 Social Media Mentions172 Downloads199,511 Sexuality and Disability Impact Factor1.1 5 Year Impact Factor1.7 Cite Score2.7 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)20 Social Media Mentions92 Downloads208,941...
The outcome on cancer mortality and all covariates were calculated for each IGR. The HDI of each IGR was obtained by a weighted average of the index in each town, using the number of inhabitants of the town as the weighting factor. The FHS coverage was calculated using an analogous scheme....
The inflammatory response can be sustained by the release of additional pro-inflammatory factors from immune cells that have infiltrated the site, specifically neutrophils and monocytes. The persistent inflammatory response is a factor contributing to the degradation of cartilage and other joint components...
The factor of the social environment mainly referred to the policy environment related to health and old-age security among explanatory variables. Model design In the survey sample for this study, 18% and 47% of older people with disabilities had no expenditure on outpatient and inpatient health ...
For the longitudinal analysis (n = 111), a mixed model repeated measures design was used, with time (3 levels) as the within-subject factor and group (3 levels of mobility) as the between-subject factor. In the case of significant effects, post hoc pairwise comparisons are reported ...
Journal Impact Factor : 0.38 Average acceptance to publication time (5 - 7 days) Average article processing time (30 - 45 days)Less than 5 volumes 30 days 8 - 9 volumes 40 days 10 and more volumes 45 days Catherine Ortega, EdD
Thus, the variance inflation factor (VIF) of independent variables was computed to examine the degree of multicollinearity in this study. The results in the last column in Table 4 revealed that the values of VIF of all independent variables were lower than 4 (Hair et al., 2010), confirming...