Research Impact Score*: 35.8 Impact Factor: 8.3 SCIMAGO SJR: 2.058 SCIMAGO H-index: 311 Research Ranking (Materials Science) 8 Number of Best scientists*: 4211 Documents by best scientists*: 7517 Journal Information ISSN: 1944-8244 Publisher: Editors-in-Chief: Journal & Submissi...
journal impact factor (isi) 下载积分:2800 内容提示: Journal Impact Factor (ISI) 2007 2010 ACS Nano Advanced Eng Materials Advanced Functional Materials Advanced Materials AIChE Journal Analytical Chemistry Angewante Chemie-Inter Ed. Applied Biochem and Biotechnol Applied Microbiology and Biotechnol ...
All pre-polymer materials were confirmed to be endotoxin free (<0.5 EU/mL) by assessing endotoxin concentration with a kinetic LAL endotoxin assay (LONZA). PEG hydrogel microparticle synthesis PEG microgels were fabricated via submerged electrospraying79,80. Briefly, PEGaNB, KCGPQGIAGQCK, CG...
Cell culture materials were provided by NEST Biotechnology. All reagents mentioned in this work were of analytical grade. 2.2. Synthesis of selenodiacetic acid linker The synthesis of selenodiacetic acid linker resembles our previous research [11]. All the reactions were under nitrogen atmosphere. ...
Utilising microstructure-informed electrochemical modelling, we show that the capacity loss also goes with an underutilisation of the active materials due to the depletion of Li+ within the grown SEC regions, upon cycling. Further, we discuss the SEC growth kinetics and the stability of the underly...
The main internal factor method is evaporation-induced phase inversion [23]. The main drivers of the environmental impact of phase inversion are the solvent and polymer considered, with the energy use contributing to a smaller share of the impact [23]. Although using RC materials sounds promising...
Particles are classified in collectors depending on their conductivity (highly conductive materials discharge faster than less conductive ones). No chemical treatment is required. Good suited for large samplesDrawbacks: 1) The Sample must be dry because humidity affects conductivity; 2) Density ...
Electrolyte additive materials are often used in a small amount to create the SEI layer at the active material/electrolyte interface [23,24,25,26]. Solid-state polymer electrolytes (SPEs), a specific class of polymer, are considered promising candidates to replace current organic liquid ...
In 1940, Mooney conducted a series of tests to describe the large deformation of rubber materials and proposed the strain energy function [22]. It is important to note that the constitutive model for rubber hyperelastic materials significantly differs from that of linear elastic materials. In LS-...
isi期刊因子factorimpactjournal JournalImpactFactor(ISI)20072010ACSNano9.855AdvancedEngMaterials1.738AdvancedFunctionalMaterials7.4968.486AdvancedMaterials8.19110.857AIChEJournal1.6072.030AnalyticalChemistry5.2875.874AngewanteChemie-InterEd.10.03112.73AppliedBiochemandBiotechnol1.879AppliedMicrobiologyandBiotechnol3.28AppliedPhys...