Maybe the developer or the manufacturer has dishonest gain from the AI technology in education. Maybe their intentions are not towards the betterment and assistance of education. Such questions come to mind when someone talks about the impact of AI in Education. Even if the development of AI tec...
significant impact of miRNA– The MIGWAS result was supported by literature-based knowledge on the traits. To validate the impact of the miRNA–target gene network as suggested by our MIGWAS method, we conducted a survey of miRNA citations in the existing literature to quantify our current...
SARS-CoV-2 virus has recently been reported in wastewater. It is possible that patients diagnosed with coronavirus disease are the main route of coronavirus transmission to water and sewage (Tran et al.2021). Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater is of interest as it can be used as an...
8434 Accesses 9 Citations 4 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is regarded as a threat because it spreads quickly across the world without requiring a passport or establishing an identity. This tiny virus has wreaked havoc on peop...
Peter Fantke (DTU) provided an overview of current LCIA modelling practice. Among others, he pointed out a number of potentially relevant agricultural chemical emissions which are not yet covered by LCIA methods. Examples are pesticide formulation by-products (adjuvants, solvents, etc.), phytohormon...
Citation: Santhiravel, S.; Bekhit, A.E.-D.A.; Mendis, E.; Jacobs, J.L.; Dunshea, F.R.; Rajapakse, N.; Ponnampalam, E.N. The Impact of Plant Phytochemicals on the Gut Microbiota of Humans for a Balanced Life. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 8124.
12 shows examples of regions with low and high-frequency band electromagnetic interference originating only from overhead contact lines and systems supplying the entire railway area. High-frequency band electromag- netic interference, so-called radiated interference, occurs throughout the railway area, ...
(CORE), Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 50300, Malaysia 3 Faculty of Business, Multimedia University, Malacca 75450, Malaysia * Correspondence: Citation: Arsad, S.R.; Hasnul Hadi, M.H.; Mohd Afandi, N.A.; Ker, P.J.; Tang,...
Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China 3 State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China; * Correspondence: Citation: Jiang, L.; Ji, H.; ...
Both of the above examples are Gaussian models designed to estimate hourly concentrations of plume material from elevated point sources. However, the detail and complexity of the meteorological and terrain input data requirements are higher in the case of CTDMPLUS, as it is intended for more ...