Log in with your username and password. In the navigation menu, go to "Order/Licenses." Next to your order/license, a button is available to cancel your subscription if applicable. Note: If you have multiple orders/products, you will need to cancel them on an individual basis. Should you...
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Patients who are re-admitted to ICU after a participation in EPaNIC are not eligible for re-inclusion. Patients who are readmitted to the ICU within 48 hours of discharge and who are still within the 7 days time window of the initial randomization receive the nutrition-schedule they were assi...
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The FOMC members offer the reasoning, within those minutes themselves, why they expedited the release from the previous schedule of releasing the documents after six weeks as follows: Participants noted that the minutes contained a more complete and nuanced explanation of the reasons for the ...
So they were able to create, basically, digital bus billboards electronically that would tell people, both tourists and the locals, whether or not buses were on schedule. And the exciting thing about that is that it allowed people to make better decisions and say, okay, if I’m running ...
communication can be completed within a short time period and the patient can know the visit schedule in time. For healthcare staff, an outpatient comprehensive preoperative assessment unit is helpful for them to comprehensively assess patient information and promptly adjust treatment plans, thereby ...
For volunteers whose placements have been blocked by international travel restrictions (so far those who were scheduled to come in April, May or June), we are offering the opportunity to re-schedule placements for up to 12 months after travel restrictions are eased. We’re extremely thankful ...
We created an environment to meet employees where they were, including their needs on flexibility, hybrid work schedule options, additional time off, and enhanced benefits through mental health support and Employee Assistance Program offerings. Our four strategic priorities include accountability, advocacy...
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