uvm_analysis_imp_expuvm_analysis_imp_actwrite_expwrite_act 如果不想使用*_imp_decl宏,可以通过“策略”类实现类似操作。定义一个将策略类作为参数的通用uvm_analysis_imp。aimp 的write方法调用了策略类中的静态写方法,该方法调用了组件中的一个唯一write方法。需要为uvm_analysis_imp的每个实例定义一个单独的...
写入expect将调用write_exp,写入actual将调用write_act,其基本原理是使用了‘uvm_analysis_imp_dec宏扩展一小部分代码,完成声明所需的类和方法。 uvm_analysis_imp_expuvm_analysis_imp_actwrite_expwrite_act如果不想使用*_imp_decl宏,可以通过“策略”类实现类似操作。定义一个将策略类作为参数的通用uvm_analysis_...
We all know that whenever there are multiple monitors connected to a single scoreboard, we do the connection as mentioned in UVM Cookbook or uvm_user_guide by using the inbuild macro `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_<string>) and then writing another analysis imp inside the scoreboard...
The graph above shows the market trend analysis of sc decle grup ооомолдовамкишинів вуландрея for the past year, which can be used to understand the current supply cycle and business stability of the company from the trend of different dimensions such as ...